B. B Ambedkar The Buddha And The Buddha

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“The greatest thing that the Buddha has done is to tell the world that it cannot be reformed except by the reformation of the mind of man, and the mind of the world”– Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Dalit Leader & First Indian Law Minister.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, affectionately known as Babasaheb, was one of the most illustrious sons of India. He appeared on the Indian socio-political scene in early 1920 and remained in the forefront of all social, economic, political and religious efforts for upliftment of mankind. Dr. Ambedkar was a great scholar who made outstanding contributions as an economist, sociologist, legal luminary, educationalist, journalist, Parliamentarian and above all, as a social reformer and champion of human rights.
Dr. Ambedkar mind was …show more content…

The Buddha and His Dhamma is divided into eight books, the last four of which are only half the length of the first four. Six of the books are further divided into parts (that is, chapters), sub-sections, and verses, the remaining two books being divided into parts, sections, sub-sections, and verses. Altogether there are 40 parts, 14 sections, 248 sub-sections, and 5013 verses, which between them cover 430 pages. At a rough estimate, three quarters of the work consists of extracts from – or adaptations of – Buddhist literature both canonical and non-canonical, while the remaining quarter consists of Ambedkar’s own Explanatory Additions. In the vast majority of cases, the extracts from the canonical literature are taken from the Sutta- and Vinaya-Pitakas of the Theravada Pali Tipitaka or ‘Three Collections’ (Ambedkar apparently regarded the Abhidhamma-Pitaka as a later addition), only a few of them being taken from the Mahayana sutras. As for the extracts from the non-canonical literature, most of these are taken from Ashvaghosha’s celebrated epic poem the Buddhacarita or ‘Life of the Buddha’, though the Pali commentaries, the Milinda-panha or ‘Questions of [King] Milinda’, and even a Chinese translation of a prayer to Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, are also laid under

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