Art Review Essays

  • Art Review

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    Review #1: New Generation Detroit I went to visit this art exhibit on Friday September 7th, the opening night. I had never been to the Meadowbrook Art Gallery so I had no idea what to expect. It was a smaller gallery than I thought it would be, but it didn’t matter when I took a look at the pieces that were on display. This exhibit was definitely edgy and not really what I’m used to seeing. I could tell that these are new artists that are beginning to start a new trend in today’s modern art world

  • Art Review

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    Art Review If you have some free time and have always wanted to visit an art gallery, a start is the Art Sacré exposition. Just do not expect high quality art. Running from October twenty-third to December eight-teenth at Les Salles de Gesù, the exposition features four artists depicting spirituality and inner self. The first artist in the exposition is Hannah Alpha. Born in Egypt, she’s a McGill alumni who uses the minimalism style of painting, which is the art of using simplistic design

  • Fine Arts Performance Review

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    I went to the grand opening of the Performing Arts Center here on campus, on Sunday March 2nd. I think this was the perfect introductory display of performance art for someone like me, who is science and math oriented. There were four acts encompassing many areas such as dance, musicals, orchestra, opera, and theatre. Act I was the finale to Act I of the musical “Anything Goes” originally by Cole Porter. Written in 1934, the story about this young guy, Billy Crocker, who stows away on a ship, the

  • Art Exhibition Review: Valerie Andrianoff

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    The Gallery presented a set of bronze sculptures made by a French artist called Valerie Andrianoff. Val’s works of art can be perceived as a search for balance and stability as the heading of this exhibition has already suggested “The Balance of Life” (Byrs-Lasquier, n.d.). In the following, a few of her works will be selected to illustrate what kind of ideas she is trying to express and how I feel about these sculptures. Most of the human figures created by Val are small. We can rarely see their

  • A Review of Responses to the National Endowment for the Arts Report, “Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America”

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    During the past twenty years there has been much debate over topics regarding literacy and literature in America. In June 2004, based on their comparison of literary reading surveys from 1982, 1992, and 2002, the National Endowment for the Arts released the following statement. The accelerating declines in literary reading among all demographic groups of American adults indicate an imminent cultural crisis. The trends among younger adults warrant special concern, suggesting that – unless some

  • Erick Fishl´s Scarsdale Painting

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    Eric Fishl’s Scarsdale is a painting that is done on three canvases. When placed together, they appear to make one whole picture. The focal point of the painting is the woman, dressed in a white gown and veil. It appears that she is wearing a wedding dress, since the dress is white and includes a veil. To the left is a cat and to the right is a dog. The woman represents the focal point, not only because she is the largest figure in the painting, but also because everything else is slightly in darkness

  • 19th Century Reviews of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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    Reviews of Huckleberry Finn in the late 19th Century In the 20th Century, no other book was discussed or fought over more then The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. The book has been banned and reinstated in many school systems and libraries throughout this century. Controversy over the use of the word "nigger" has been one of the biggest arguments. The fact that people are still feeling the sting and abuse from the creation of this slang word is understandable. The other problem

  • The Difference of How a Theatrical Critic and a Reviewer Look at a Performer

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    will be put to the test as a playwright takes his previously produced play and use criticisms and reviews as a guide to recreating a play and bringing it back onto the stage. Once doing that, a survey will be conducted to see if the help of criticisms and/or reviews aided in the success of the newly revised play. II. Purpose of the Study Evaluating the differentiation of theatrical critiques and reviews are crucial in any artist... ... middle of paper ... ...fully assist in making the director

  • Criricism of Wilkie Collins’ Woman in White

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    Collins belongs the credit of having introduced into fiction those most mysterious of mysteries, the mysteries which are at our own doors.” So said Henry James in an unsigned review of another author’s work. But his view was certainly not shared by all those who cast their opinions into the fray. An unsigned review in the Saturday Review said of Collins’ work, “Estimated by the standard of great novels, the Woman in White is nowhere. Somewhere between these two points are friends and correspondents of Mr

  • Art 160 Gallery review # 2

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    My second gallery review is on the work of Philip Denker. I analyzed the art work at his exhibit; OVER + UNDER”. I saw his exhibit Friday November 15, 2013 at 11:00 am at Trifecta gallery inside the arts factory. When I walked into the room I loved that the room was illuminated with the light of the light bulbs, as well, with the natural illumination of the sun coming through the glass windows and door. When I got inside the room I also noticed it was spacious, and the pieces were very well ordered

  • Social Review Assessment

    1096 Words  | 3 Pages

    Certain points are more suited for review research than others. Reviews are essentially utilized as a part of social research that has unique individuals as the unit of investigation. These unique individuals are additionally called respondents or a man who gives information to examination by reacting to review poll. Overview exploration is best used to pick up data about expansive populaces that the analyst can't precisely watch. Overviews are additionally used to assemble data about mentalities

  • The Birdcage

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    one of much diversity. Reviews range anywhere from phenomenal to average. Not only are movies created for the entertainment and sheer pleasure of the audience, they create a market of jobs and open doors to the world of financial growth. The success of these films, whether they are tremendous or atrocious, is not only dependent of the actual film, but also upon the critic’s reviews. It is a form of assistant advertising, in addition to commercials and billboards. A movie review is composed of summaries

  • Annotated Bibliography Social Work

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    The literature review is important to find credible, reliable, and relevant sources that fit the research problem. “To achieve its purpose, the literature review may examine issues of theory, methodology, policy, and evaluation that relate to the effectiveness of a policy or intervention” (Krysik & Finn, 2013, p.66). Annotated bibliographies and abstracts also provide information about different sources and this can be helpful for evaluating sources when doing a literature review. “An annotated

  • Review Of The Article The Art Of Teaching And Its Tools

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    ARTICLE REVIEW 2 “Great art relies on the mastery and application of foundational skills, learned individually through diligent study.” (Lemov, 2010, p. 1) This quote appealed to me as a teacher in training, it addressed one of my main concerns. Will I become a proficient teacher? Like Picasso, I too want to refine my skills; to persistently hone my abilities so as to someday acquire professional prominence. The article “The Art of Teaching And Its Tools” commenced with conveying professional advice

  • Catcher in the Rye Essay: Eight Early Reviews

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    Eight Early Reviews of The Catcher in the Rye Published in 1951, J. D. Salinger's debut novel, The Catcher in the Rye, was one of the most controversial novels of its time. The book received many criticisms, good and bad. While Smith felt the book should be "read more than once" (13), Goodman said the "book is disappointing" (21). All eight of the critics had both good and bad impressions of the work. Overall, the book did not reflect Salinger's ability due to the excessive vulgarity used and

  • Systematic Review

    708 Words  | 2 Pages

    Summary A systematic review is a process of systematic identification, appraisal and summaries of all the primary studies of the highest level of evidence based on the explicit and reproducible methodologies. A case report describes the presentation and/or course of a disease. Individual case reports are useful for formulating hypothesis and are extremely helpful in the acquisition of evidence in the absence of any other information. Systematic reviews and case reports have been placed on the top

  • Compare And Contrast Shermann And Jahns

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    Critics nowadays could review anything and many of which share similar reviews with one another, however, some of them vary. The two critics Stuckmann and Jahns focus on Captain America: Civil War (the movie.) They give insight on how they felt towards the movie in their own opinions without spoiling the entire movie. Stuckmann and Jahns don’t support each other face to face, however, they both portray similar perspectives while having different views on Captain America: Civil War. For example, they

  • Charles W. Chestnutt's The Marrow of Tradition

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    novel; from the author's perspective we see one view, from a publisher's another, and from the reviewer's yet another. This is especially true of Charles W. Chesnutt's  The Marrow of Tradition. If one observes both the contemporary reviews of the novel and letters exchanged between Chesnutt and his friends and publisher, Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., one will see the disparity in opinions regarding the work. Chesnutt himself felt the work was of at least good quality, and

  • Literature Review #2

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    This time, the main theme for this article is Theatrical Critics. “Richard Gilman, American Theater Critic: An Appreciation” was published in 2011 and is one of the most current researches done on this topic. As previously discussed in an earlier review, the author, Bert Cardullo, does not have much of a background based on this article. It does not state if he belongs to a particular institution or organization. However, with this article to compare to the previous one, it proves more than ever

  • Pay It Forward - We Can Change the World

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    Overboard, That Old Feeling, Mrs. Doubtfire, Look Who's Talking Now; co writer of The Thomas Crown Affair and Smoke & Mirrors. The basis of this movie is from the best-selling novel Pay It Forward written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The movie received mixed reviews from film critics the most common was the one written by, which said, “Pay It Forward has strong performances from Spacey, Hunt, and Osment, but the movie itself is too emotionally manipulative and the ending is bad.” This is