American Corporations Essays

  • American Corporations and Internet Pornography

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    American Corporations and Internet Porn In this essay, we shall consider the so-called "reputable" mainstream American companies that are reaping huge profits from Internet porn, as well as related considerations. Marriott, Westin, and Hilton are known for their pornographic video deliveries to paying rooms, a practice which Omni Hotels discontinued when confronted by the American Family Association. On the other hand, Internet porn companies like Yahoo! In its x-rated Geocities sites

  • American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communication

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    explosion are American based media corporations. Earlier on many businesses saw investing in operations overseas as being a waste of money and time. Americans have had the tendency to think that the world revolves around them. This thought process has kept many companies from expanding into the international markets. The American culture dominance in regards to music, style and way of life is spreading like wildfire through out the world. Issue Paper American Based Media Corporations: Opening the

  • American Chemical Corporation: The Case Of The American Chemical Corporation

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    Issues In June 1979 American Chemical Corporation, a large diversified chemical company, acquired Universal Paper Corporation. When working on the deal structure, both the federal government and Universal’s management team created various legal constraints, arguing that if the acquisition would take place, American Chemical Corporation would become the largest sodium chlorate producer, violating U.S. antitrust laws and the Clayton Act. With that being said, American Chemical Corporation agreed to reduce

  • Symbolic Analysts

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    manufacturing jobs will decrease as well as the number of in-person service jobs e.g. bank tellers, but growth in the number of symbolic analytical positions. The loss of repetitive manufacturing is primarily a cost saving plan of American corporations. Corporations seeking to lower their costs of labor move their large, low-skilled manufacturing to points all over the globe in attempt to find the lowest wages. Replacement of some in-person services is attributed to technological change. Examples

  • A Comparison of George Orwell's Totalitarian World of 1984 and America in 2004

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    counter-democratic in its behavior and yet is masked by twisted language. "Democracy" means, to many Americans, a system in which they choose their own leaders, voice their opinions to representatives in government, and human rights and freedoms are respected by the state. But in practice, "democracy," when applied abroad by the United States, means subjugating native peoples to the will of American corporations, and in the process, the destruction... ... middle of paper ... ...s ideas of Newspeak and

  • Managing Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace

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    Diversity as an issue is new. It became an issue when three powerfully significant trends reached their own critical points at about the same time (Fernandez & Barr, 1993): The global market in which American corporations must now do business became intensely competitive. The makeup of the U.S. work force began changing dramatically, becoming more diverse. Individuals began to increasingly celebrate their differences and become less amenable to compromising what makes them unique. This inclination

  • American Multinational Corporations: Apple Inc.

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    Apple inc. Introduction Apple Incorporation is an American Multinational Corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. Apple Incorporation’s world corporate had quarters are located in the middle of Silicon Valley, at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California. The History of Apple Incorporation Since 1976 until 1980 were the early years of Apple Incorporation. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne are founder of Apple Inc. But, just three

  • Downsizing in America

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    corporate America for years and has left many of its hardest working employees without work. In the 1980’s, twenty-five percent of middle management was eliminated in the United States (Greenberg/Baron 582). In the 1990’s, one million managers of American corporations with salaries over $40,000 also lost their jobs (Greenberg/Baron 582). In total, Fortune 500 companies have eliminated 4.4 million positions since 1979 (Greenberg/Baron 627). Although this downsizing of companies can have many reasons behind

  • Portion of Capitalism: Dead Peasants Life Insurance

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    Capitalism: A Love Story is an examination on how much of a financial impact that corporation has on the lives of Americans. Capitalism seems to emulate a love affair gone wrong, with lies, abuse and betrayal towards the American people. Moore moves the film from Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan in order to answer the question of what price do Americans pay for the affection of capitalism. There is irony in the title of this film because

  • Exploring the Impacts of Corporate Governance on Business Success.

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    management and the board of directors of a corporation and how each of these participants influence the direction and performance of the corporation. The governance of a corporation directly relates to how that company will operate and whether that company will be successful. Corporations that operate using sound, moral corporate governance lay the groundwork for a corporation that has integrity and efficiency in financial markets. When a corporation is being governed by sound practices it leads

  • Lobbyists in America and the Negative Impacts They Have on Society

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    for the American people but also for corporations in order to not become monopolies in today’s market. This all corresponds to a legislative process in order for Congress to have a clear idea of passing effective laws that help reinforce results within our society. Members of Congress and political affiliations are impacted by representatives from large business corporations through the process of bribing these government officials into supporting the ideas and desires of these corporations. In order

  • The Human Resources Challenge In Latin America

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    “multilatin” corporations there is more than a solid cash flow, a healthy bottom line and a good eye for business. There is also a vision on how to manage their employee’s skills and talents through their expansion momentum. So understandably the management of human resources has become of vital importance in this process. Unfortunately, not all corporations understand this fact. And this could prove to be a fatal mistake. For example, 15% to 30% of the executives sent abroad by Latin-American corporations

  • Essay On Pros And Cons Of Mergers

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    Should government prevent major mergers of corporations that could potential control a large percentage of market share within its industry? A merger is a combination of two corporations, where one corporation is completely absorbed by another corporation. The smaller corporation loses its identity and becomes part of the bigger corporations which retains its identity. Mergers are regulated by federal and state laws, and the regulation is based on the concern that mergers inevitably eliminates competition

  • Corporate Veil Essay

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    potentially destructive roads that it can go down. Pure libertarian ideals work at a smaller scale but they've been shown in multiple instances to cause massive inequality and instability in money markets. An overpowered government is dangerous, but a corporation that is allowed to operate with impunity with no incentive for social good (for which of course no profit can be derived i.e. helping a hopelessly poor person gain financial mobility through schooling or allowing them to receive medical care without

  • The Nature of Swimming

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    Competitive swimming symbolizes the struggle for many of the Americans ideologies within the framework of corporate America. In inequalities in the realm of competitive swimming mirror those of corporate America. Swimming like an overwhelming amount of corporations is dominated by wealthy white people. In the 2006, the last year the NCAA published data, whites were nearly 70 times more likely to be in division I swim teams than African-Americans. Even worse, a recent study confirmed that, “Fatal unintentional

  • Futile Pursuit Of The American Dream Analysis

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    The Futile Pursuit of the American Dream Americans ' working lives are growing further vulnerable every day. Corporations lay off employees each year, and the benefits and pensions once made certain by "middle-class" jobs are now not enforced anymore. In the Futile Pursuit of the American Dream, Barbara Ehrenreich goes back undercover to explore the economy and the spectral world of the white-collar unemployed. She attempts to land a "middle-class" job with her believable resume. She submits to

  • Four Principles Of Stakeholder Capitalism

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    aids the business in becoming an institution with morals and values; it goes beyond just earning profit. The central argument is that business and ethics must coincide with each other for a business to fully progress. Gomory & Sylla, “The American Corporation”

  • Amazon: Business-Level Strategy

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    Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion. Amazon is like any other business and that is to gain and keep their customers’ trust in order for Amazon to grow their company. One way to obtain trust from their customers are the reviews they offer on each product they sell straight from customers

  • H.B. Fuller is Not Morally Responsible for the Addiction of Street Children to its Resistol Products

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    the addiction of street children to its Resistol products. A corporation is morally responsible only for those acts and their foreseen injurious effects: (a) which the corporation knowingly and freely performed or brought about and which it was morally wrong for the corporation to fail to perform or prevent and/or (b) which the person knowingly and freely failed to perform or prevent and which it was morally wrong for the corporation to fail to perform or prevent. Only two conditions completely

  • Types of Businesses in America

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    Types of Businesses in America American society has always been optimistic towards their future. The American nation is a capitalistic country. Many individuals are influenced to start up their own businesses with their own ideas. The government helps and regulates all business. There are three types of businesses sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. A sole proprietorship would be my best choice to start up my own business. This form of business is the easiest to start. In the