Alva Kinney Essays

  • ConAgra's Food Brands Employee Policies

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    a better way today, one bite at a time (ConAgra Foods, 2010/29/07)," is dedicated to providing consumers with good quality food that tastes great and provides good nutrition at a reasonable cost. ConAgra was founded in 1919 by Frank Little and Alva Kinney, who consolidated four grain mills as Nebraska Consolidated Mills. ConAgra financed the development of the Duncan Hines brand of cake mixes in 1951 to make flour more profitable. But in 1956 they sold their assets in Duncan Hines to Procter & Gamble

  • World Studies Definitions

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    1. Edison, Thomas Alva - 1847-1931, American inventor, b. Milan, Ohio. A genius in the practical application of scientific principles, Edison was one of the greatest and most productive inventors of his time, but his formal schooling was limited to three months in Port Huron, Mich., in 1854. For several years he was a newsboy on the Grand Trunk RR, and it was during this period that he began to suffer from deafness, which was to increase throughout his life. He later worked as a telegraph operator

  • Mix of Journalism and Fiction in Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

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    form of writing has been debated by numerous critics. Some critics argue that Capote was being pretentious when he suggested that he had invented the form of writing which blends the fact/fiction barrier. In the Columbia University Forum, Charles Alva Hoyt pointed out that what was called a "new literary genre," was simply a plain old reinterpretation of the art of writing history. What Mr. Capote thinks he has discovered is already known to the world by a different name: history. History is the

  • King Phillip

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    pope longed to drive the foreigners out of Italy. Philip had two wars on his hands at the same time, in Italy and in the Low Countries. In Italy the Duke of Alva, Viceroy of Naples, defeated the Duke of Guise and reduced the pope to such distress that he was forced to make peace. Philip granted this on the most favourable terms and the Duke of Alva was even obliged to ask the pope's pardon for having invaded the Pontifical States. In the Low Countries Philip defeated the French at Saint Quentin (1557)

  • Analysis Of Two Documentaries

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    Analysis Of Two Documentaries I will be analysing two very different types of documentary, 'Dogtown and the Z-Boys', which takes the role of being a full length movie type documentary, and 'Teenage Transsexuals' which was recently shown on Channel 4. 'Dogtown and the Z-Boys' is a documentary which takes a look at the transformation of surfing into skateboarding. The film follows the evolution of skating through it's heyday in the 70's, to it's decline in the 80's, and then back upto it's

  • Loneliness and Friendship: A Space Trooper's Tale

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    The Mysterious Space Trooper One day on the 15th of September there was a mysterious but friendly space trooper. The space trooper was lonely and sad because he had nothing to do except skateboarding. He lived on the moon and he noticed there would be no one to be his friend because there are no people or any other friends that live in space but one day he found an alien and the alien didn’t want to be the space trooper’s friend because the alien thought the trooper was bad. After that, the strong

  • My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead

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    My Side of the Mountain is a remarkable novel written by Jean Craighead George (1991). It addresses issues such as nature, independence and adventure. In the book, Sam Gribley, a boy from New York, runs away from home to live in the woods. Throughout this essay, I am going to talk about the things and the character traits that a person such as Sam needs in order to accomplish his or her goals. In the book, Sam’s goals were to reach indepence and to survive using the resources in the woods. For example

  • The Forest of the Monster

    685 Words  | 2 Pages

    The forest of the Monster One day, there was a man, walking through the woods to get back home. The man had quite a way to go to get back home but, it was getting late, and all he had was a flashlight, a small knife, and a video recorder. The man was hearing weirder and weirder noises as he was walking, he was also starting to see weird shapes in the distance, almost as if it was a tall thin man looking at him with tentacle like things coming out of his back, and spreading in the air. The strange

  • Epic Hero: A Short Story

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    Long ago, in a very distant land, there lived a man who was known by all for his bravery. Enemies flinched at his name while ladies swooned, and other hopeful heroes scowled in jealousy. He was famed for his good deeds: slaying dragons and thieves, saving damsels, winning wars; all the things one expected of a hero. However, no one had ever seen him do any of these things; they had only heard by word of mouth of his greatness. One night, a curious girl who had been told the stories of this epic

  • The Way Through The Woods - Original Writing

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    The Way Through The Woods - Original Writing Like always I would finish work at six thirty on a Friday night, but this Friday I decided to do some over time. I didn't really need the money because my father was well off, but I liked to keep on top of the paper work. I eventually finished work at about eleven o'clock and then set off home. I was really exhausted, so I was determined to arrive home quickly. There was no moon, just a solid slab of grey fog that stretched as far as I could

  • Analysis of In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien

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    Analysis of In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien In the Lake of the Woods is a fictional mystery written by Tim O'Brien. Through the book we learn that our lovers, husbands, and wives have qualities beyond what our eyes can see. John Wade and Kathy are in a marriage so obscure that their secrets lead to an emotional downfall. After John Wade loss in his Senatorial Campaign, his feeling towards Kathy take on a whole different outlook. His compulsive and obsessive behavior causes Kathy to distance

  • A Car in the Woods

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    XI A CAR IN THE WOODS Nate trudged up the incline through thick underbrush. The wild growth looked cool from the house, but hiking in them became a chore. The sound of a creek that ran parallel to the road acted as his compact. He couldn't always see the creek, but the gurgling shallow water rushing across the rock bottom would help him find his way back to the farm. According to Hannah, it was common long ago for large estates to have a private cemetery. They agreed that Nathan Freedman was

  • My Family: The Event That Changed My Life

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    I got up feeling a bit melancholy at the age of 11. I remember seeing my dad's truck pull down our driveway at a very early hour in the day. Oh wait, it was a Thursday, and if my mom noticed his predictable habit of coming home on Thursday mornings, nothing may have happened. It's so weird how that it was that long ago my mom finally decided to leave him, and yet he acts the exact same way he did then, if not worse than he does now. I ran to the bathroom because I knew exactly what was going

  • Skill or Trait!

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    Everyone, regardless your race, gender, ethnicity, color, etc… has that one trait, or skill, talent which makes them who they are also known as being unique. Some folks wish they could disappear in other word to be invisible, others are to transform either into a robot or their favorite cartoon characters, and so on… well mines happen to be that I believe I could be anything I put my mind to. It wasn’t something i wished for or anything crazy, but it was something I was blessed with. No one in the

  • Alternate Ending to Frankenstein

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    The monster took his first breath and opened his eyes. Victor stood paralyzed in fear of his creature. The creature was not what Victor had expected at all; He was absolutely hideous. Victor felt a sense of responsibility as the creature’s creator and decided to treat the creature as if it were a newborn baby. Victor helped the creature take his first steps and brought him to a chair to sit down. “I’ll be right back” Victor told the creature as he went to get the creature a drink. He showed the creature

  • see you tomorrow then?

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    "Not gonna say anything?" she questioned. we had been standing there for a good three minutes, just staring at each other. At least, it felt like three minutes. I wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with Amy at the moment, so I had kept silent hoping she would just leave. No such luck. "Nope." "Right. So, have fun last night? I know I did." She said. I noticed how bruised up her nose was and how hard she had tried to cover it up with makeup. "I did actually. How's your nose?" "You know

  • The Rake

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    They yelled, “Jake are you there? Where are you? This is not funny, come out wherever you are.” So they started walking around. Ken saw something with big green glowing eyes. He thought it was Jake and shined his flashlight on the thing with green glowing eyes. When he did, he saw a weird monster with no hair, just white shriveled skin and long fingers razor sharp, kind of like a rake. The monster turned around real quick and looked at Ken. The monster was covered in blood, and right next to the

  • Creative Writing: Into The Woods

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    Into the Woods There are many factors that can rapidly change the chances of harvesting a whitetail deer: the moon, precipitation, time of day, or wind to name a few. When all of these variables fall into place, the likelihood of getting that shot is dramatically increased. There is one other influence that can greatly change a hunt--patience. I have always struggled with grasping the discipline it takes; if you can find such discipline, it alters the entire game. There is one story in particular

  • Thomas Alva Edison

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors. He was a smart man. Thomas invented many things such as the light bulb and phonograph. Without the light bulb we would still be using candles and lanterns like they did many years ago. Although Thomas was deaf he worked hard and never gave up. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. He had many family members. He had a father named Samuel Odgen Edison and a mother named Nancy Elliott Edison

  • Student Observation Report

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    Confidential The names in this Observation Report have been changed to protect the privacy of the parents and the child. Student’s Name : Calvin Sex : Male Place of Observation : Inside the classroom of County Preschool. Time of Observation : In the morning, 10.30 a.m. and it was a sunny day. General View : • The classroom was pretty well organized ( clean, tidy and many facilities inside such as books, games, a computer and so on ) • It was a pretty large group in the class,