Creative Writing: Into The Woods

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Into the Woods
There are many factors that can rapidly change the chances of harvesting a whitetail deer: the moon, precipitation, time of day, or wind to name a few. When all of these variables fall into place, the likelihood of getting that shot is dramatically increased. There is one other influence that can greatly change a hunt--patience. I have always struggled with grasping the discipline it takes; if you can find such discipline, it alters the entire game. There is one story in particular that stands out in regards to patience. There is a buck that that has interested me for over 3 years; he has eluded me on many occasions, causing an exceeding amount of frustration and anger. I call him Albert. Albert is a 6 year old mature …show more content…

It is a reasonable place to sleep but a horrible place to wake up, so it does not seduce me to stay when the 4:30 A.M. alarm sounds. The aroma of steaming coffee fills the house as “the guys,” as my grandma calls us, file out of their rooms. We all ready ourselves for the morning's hunt by making sandwiches, eliminating scent by showering, and dressing ourselves in the only things that will protect us from the cold and the eyes of our prey. After all preparations are complete, I open the door to the still below freezing temperatures that saturate the early mornings. I can feel the dryness in my nose and can sense the morning dew laying rest on my skin. Loading the truck tests the limits of my cracking bare hands which, on the drive, rest on the blazing hot vents that push air into the cab. The drive to the woods is relatively short, just long enough to strategize the day's hunt and chug down the rest of my sugar rich coffee. Arriving at the broken fence line that borders the woods, everything is silent except for the strong wind slithering through the trees and the lonely hoot of another silent hunter on a branch above. Hiking the steep trail, the woods are seemingly asleep at night. The only abundant sound originates from the crunching leaves under my boots. Visibility is low, with simply a flashlight to peer into the unknown darkness that blankets the forest floor. Once I peak the …show more content…

My mind is allowed to wander through all thought corridors, presenting a sense of peace, similar to a Buddhist monk searching for nirvana. As the minute hand winds forth and the day matures, the creatures of the light begin to emerge from their hideaways. A squirrel to the east patrols the barren undergrowth, while a flock of turkeys to the west scour for food. A tandem of doe walk by seemingly oblivious to my presence; their only interest is a nearby corn field. After scanning the horizon line of the woods, there is still no sign of Albert. My hopes of crossing paths with him today are diminishing

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