Aids Patients Essays

  • Discrimintation Of Aids Patients

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    AIDS, or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has been one of the most threatening diseases of the 20th century. Ever since it has been discovered in 1981, it has been constantly infecting men, women, adults, newly born children, homosexuals and heterosexuals. In definition AIDS is an extremely serious disorder that results from severe damage to the body’s defense against disease. Even though AIDS was born in an era of sophisticated medical and surgical developments, it still remains incurable

  • Signs, Symptoms and Awareness for HIV/AIDS Patients

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    syndrome commonly called AIDS. This combo disease known as HIV/AIDS is labeled as a pandemic and has caused controversy throughout the whole world. The disease begins when a person infected passes on the HIV virus through sexual secretions, blood transfusions, and using dirty needles. The virus enters through vaginal or anal openings and through open cuts, once the virus enters a person’s blood stream they are infected with HIV however they may not necessarily have AIDS (WEBMD). Symptoms of HIV include

  • Labelling and Stigmatization of Aids or Hiv Patients in Hong Kong

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    common in history which cause many conflicts and even wars in the world. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), not only applied to the labeling theory, it suffered the most. People discriminate AIDS more severe than other infectious disease. Stigmatization induces discrimination, which is more painful and stressful than physical discomfort of the illness itself. People infected with AIDS cannot gain sympathy but criticism instead. However, this situation is very serious globally, including Hong

  • How Health Psychology Can Aid Nurses in Caring for Patients with HIV

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    how health psychology can aid nurses in caring for patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It will look at how stigma can impact on the behaviour of patients with HIV as well as explain causes for non adherence. Health psychology studies thoughts, emotions and behaviours related to health and illness. It uses a biopsychosocial approach which considers all aspects of a person's life. Health psychology allows nurses to have a better understanding of how patients perceive health, what influences

  • HIV/AIDS Patients

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    1. Two Nutritional Groups Person suffering with HIV/AIDS Having a healthy, balanced diet containing all 5 food groups in the correct amount as well as keeping to an exercise programme will improve the quality and increase the quantity of an HIV positive patient’s life by: • maintaining a healthy body weight • replacing lost Vitamins and Minerals • helping the body to fight infection • extending the period from getting HIV to developing AIDS • keeping active, taking care of themselves, their family

  • How Technology Can Aid Patient Safety During The Medication Administration Process

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    Dickson, Xie, & Suh, 2012). A patient in the hospital may be exposed to at least one error a day that could have been prevented (Flynn, Liang, Dickson, Xie, & Suh, 2012). Working in a professional nursing practice setting, the primary goal is the nurse and staff places the patient first and provides the upmost quality care with significance on safety. There are several different types of technology that can be used to improve the medication process and will aid staff in reaching a higher level

  • Marijuana As Medicine Should Be Allowed

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    value in patients with various types of cancers, some neurological disorders, and AIDS patients. The marijuana eases some of the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and dizziness. It also controls muscle spasms and contractions and aids in the relaxation of patients with neurological disorders. Many researchers and administrations of the government, such as the Drug Enforcement Administration(D.E.A.) feel that legalizing marijuana is an unnecessary approach in the treatment of patients. Many

  • Anabolic Steroid Use in AIDS Patients

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    The use of Anabolic Steroids in AIDS patients is becoming increasingly popular. Steroids are used to bring the lean body mass of a patient up for multiple reasons. In most cases the loss of lean body mass from AIDS is so severe it is causing a significant decrease in quality of life. Anabolic Steroids have many inherent risks associated with them for example many types of cancer, risks of liver disease from oral AS, gynocomastia, and hormonal cycle imbalance. Steroids not only effect the body

  • A Critical Analysis Of "the Doctor Wont See You Now"

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    an alarming trend of physicians looking through a cynical eye with an example of a survey by the American Medical Association, published November, 1991. " Thirty percent of doctors surveyed said they felt no ethical responsibilities to treat AIDS patients" (page 62). This seems to set the tone of disgust for such physicians. Gorman further condemns such physicians by reminding the reader "doctoring is a profession, a calling requiring commitment and integrity" (page 63). Gorman confirms his

  • Euthanasia Essay - Physician-Assisted Suicide

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    euthanasia or assisted suicide (2). 37% of physicians who look after AIDS patients would be unlikely to assist a patient with established AIDS to commit suicide but 48% said they would be likely to do so (3). 48% of 1355 physicians in Washington state agree that euthanasia is never ethically justified but 33% said they would be willing to perform euthanasia (4). 40% of 1119 Michigan physicians involved in the care of terminally ill patients were in favor of legalization of assisted suicide and 17% favored

  • Admissions Essay - Ugandan Culture and Medicine

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    medical experience, we weren't able to provide much help to the patients in terms of medical care. However we did gain a great deal of experience by talking to the medical staff and observing local healthcare practices. One of the wards at Kasana Health Center was dedicated entirely to testing and counseling for AIDS patients. Talking to these patients and the counselors proved to be extremely fascinating. On one occasion a group of HIV patients set up a dance/performance aimed at conveying the experience

  • Marijuana Should Be Illegal

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    legalize marijuana for medicinal reasons. As a result of Proposition 215 in California, patients now smoke marijuana provided their physician recommends its usage. A prescription is not required, and marijuana continues to be illegal to prescribe. The Clinton administration responded that it “would not recognize these decisions, and would prosecute physicians who recommend or provide marijuana to their patients.” Although California and Arizona are the only two states to have already passed laws regulating

  • Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA)

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    Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) is a registered charitable non-governmental organization which was established in the year 1969 in India. Ever since then, it has been working towards the total management and prevention of cancer as a disease. CPAA has a tradition of offering service to needy cancer patients from all over India and the neighboring countries. “Smokers are liable to die young”, one of the many ways through which CPAA discourage smoking because of the role it plays in lung

  • In Favor of a More Liberal Drug Policy

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    marijuana used for medicinal purposes, which, according to a 1995 article in The Journal of the American Medical Association, can “counteract the toxicity of chemotherapy, treat migraines, minimize pain, and treat moderate wasting syndrome in AIDS patients.” The economy would also benefit from the legalization of drugs because fewer drug offenders would crowd the prisons, and the government could spend the money they saved from this reduction in prison populations on other public expenses. With drug

  • Legionella pneumophila

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    will present symptoms anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days after exposure, while LD takes 2-10 days to incubate. LD patients have fever, chills and a cough, with x-rays showing pneumonia. This more severe form usually prevails in elderly, cigarette smokers, people with chronic lung disease, or those who are immunocompromised, such as cancer or AIDS patients. Virulence: Being a gram-negative bacterium, L. pneumophila has lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that act as endotoxin within a human

  • St. John's Wort and Depression

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    relief for gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, nausea, and more serious problems like ulcers. Now it is becoming more common as a remedy for depression and anxiety but is simultaneously being tested as a possible type of assistance for AIDS patients because it appears to help the immune system combat viruses. St. John's Wort as an antidepressant One out of every 20 Americans will become depressed this year. This is obviously a very major and serious problem. St. John’s Wort’s main

  • The Dangers of Marijuana

    2011 Words  | 5 Pages

    of ailments including gout, tetanus, depression, and cramps (Farthing 1992). Today, it is used for reducing intraocular pressure due to glaucoma, as an antiemetic to relieve nausea associated with chemotherapy, and as an appetite stimulant for AIDS patients. Recreationally, it is the most widely used illicit drug, especially among adolescents. The main psychoactive component of marijuana is (9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Other prominent cannabinoids include cannabidiol, cannabinol, and (9-tetrahydrocannabinic

  • Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia

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    Etiology of HIV-Associated Dementia The etiologic agents of the neurologic disease associated with HIV and AIDS are many. Opportunistic infections- cryptococcus, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, are a few of the organic causes of neurologic disease in AIDS patients, but will not be the main focus of this paper. The human immunodeficiency virus in itself is implicated in much of the neurological manifestations of the disease, and it is the effects of the presence of the virus within the central

  • AIDS in Botswana

    804 Words  | 2 Pages

    AIDS in Botswana Botswana has disturbing statistics related to AIDS, when compared to those of a developed nation like Australia. Life expectancy is 40 in Botswana, compared to 80 in Australia. This difference is mainly due to AIDS. Without AIDS in Botswana, the life expectancy would be about 64. In having such a low life expectancy, Botswana has had to deal with many problems. Workers are being taken in their prime, and many children are left orphaned without a primary caregiver. This means

  • HIV Speech

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    treated, readily detected or destroyed. It is capable of destroying millions of people without wars or violence. This thing is AIDS caused by the virus HIV-1. What would you do if you found out tomorrow you had AIDS? How would you react if a family member contracted the disease and was diagnosed with one to three years left to live? The HIV virus that causes AIDS began to affect the nation many years ago and was first discovered and documented by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta