Adult Learning Essays

  • Adult Learning In Groups

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    Adult Learning In Groups Groups [can] exert powerful influence both to advance and to obstruct learning. A group can be an environment in which people invent and explore symbolic structures for understanding the world, learning from each other and trying out for themselves the discourse of the domain of knowledge they seek to acquire. Alternatively, groups can encourage conformity, squander time and energy on ritual combat, revel in failure, and generally engage in all sorts of fantasy tasks

  • Trauma and Adult Learning

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    Trauma and Adult Learning Effects of Trauma on Learning Adults experiencing the effects of past or current trauma may display such symptoms as difficulty beginning new tasks, blame, guilt, concern for safety, depression, inability to trust (especially those in power), fear of risk taking, disturbed sleep, eroded self-esteem/confidence, inability to concentrate, or panic attacks (Mojab and McDonald 2001). Some people may manifest no symptoms; at the other end of the spectrum is Posttraumatic

  • Volunteering and Adult Learning

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    Volunteering and Adult Learning "The history of adult education has been a history of voluntary activity and voluntary association" (Ilsley 1989, p. 100). Today, volunteerism, and the growing field of volunteer management, continue to reflect close associations with adult education. Research and practice in adult education can inform the development of learning opportunities for volunteers. With this in mind, this Digest describes some of the similarities between the fields of volunteer management

  • Journal Writing and Adult Learning

    2101 Words  | 5 Pages

    Journal Writing and Adult Learning The value of journal writing to a course with adult students cannot be overemphasized. (Sommer 1989, p. 115) Journals and diaries have a long history as a means of self-expression. Several themes prevalent in adult learning--coming to voice, developing the capacity for critical reflection, and making meaning--are reflected in the way journals can be used in adult education. Journals are useful learning tools in a variety of adult education settings. Dialog

  • Learning Technologies in Adult Education

    1954 Words  | 4 Pages

    Learning Technologies in Adult Education Any tool “designed to extend a learner’s capacity for effective action and that requires skill and certain strategies to use efficiently” is a learning technology (Burge 2001, p. 146). A well-structured face-to-face group discussion, a pencil, and print materials fit this definition as do newer tools such as web-based conferencing (ibid.). One of the greatest myths surrounding learning technologies is related to what they are. Because of the term technology

  • Adult Education and Adult Learning Analysis

    1170 Words  | 3 Pages

    pursuit, to achieve at the highest possible level. As an adult instructor at the Cyril Potter College of Education where teachers are trained to be professionals, the main goal of the college is to create learning experiences that would, “…help individuals satisfy their needs and achieve their goals,” the ultimate goal being “human fulfilment” as is encouraged in the writings of Knowles (1980) p.27. The concepts of adult education and adult learning varies from person to person and theorist to theorist

  • Reflection Of Adult Learning

    1459 Words  | 3 Pages

    As we know, human being keep learning though all their lives, Sometimes I am thinking how we adult learning. In this book, I found them--some related concepts about adult learning and ways to Self-Direct Learning(SDL). Before reading this book. I already knew what is the adult learner is. In China, students who are over 18 years old are the adult in General Principles Of the Civil Law. In some perspectives, University education can be called adult education. It is new for me to learn this knowledge

  • Adult Learning Theory

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    ADULT LEARNING THEORY 2 Adult Learning Theory Malcolm Knowles Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997) was a key figure in America’s adult education in the second half of the twentieth century (Smith, 2002). Early Life “Born in 1913 and initially raised in Montana,” Knowles seems to have had “a reasonably happy childhood. His father was a veterinarian and from around the age of four Knowles often accompanied him on his visits to farms and ranches” (Smith, 2002, para. 2). His mother also played a critical role

  • Adults with Learning Disabilities

    1701 Words  | 4 Pages

    Adults with Learning Disabilities The field has not quite reached consensus on definitions of LD, and there are professionals as well as members of the public who do not understand them or believe they exist. For example, in a Roper (1995) survey of 1,200 adults, 85% associated LD with mental retardation 66% with deafness, and 60% with blindness. In Rocco's (1997) research, faculty "questioned the existence of certain conditions or if they existed, the appropriateness of classifying the condition

  • Adult Learning Principles

    669 Words  | 2 Pages

    A comprehensive understanding of adult learning principles is critical to developing successful education programs that result in participant engagement and the facilitation of learning. Adults have special needs and requirements as learners. 1. Adults are autonomous and self-directed: Adults need to be free to direct their own learning. If the learning engagement is classroom-based, the facilitator must actively involve adult participants in the learning process. Specifically, they have to be sure

  • Characteristics of Adult Learning

    1182 Words  | 3 Pages

    dog new tricks”, could be a bad assumption about adult learning. Learning new trades or skills should be a live long process for all adults. The idea of learning from Marcia Connor‘s perspective, on How Adults Learn, states “we learn from everything the mind perceives (at any age). Our brains build and strengthen neural pathways no matter where we are, no matter what the subject or the context” (Connor pg. 2). Andragogy, the theory of adult learning, has become a widely studied subject by educational

  • The Importance Of Adult Learning

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    Adult learners learn differently than children. There is a belief that fulfilled learning is best as a social action; while educating is a conscious demonstration. In order for instructors to be effective, they have to support the purposeful display of instructing. It is vital to have an establishment of theories that help the adult learner. Understanding these speculations will help you to be better prepared and more cognizant in your instructing. There is no single theory that can help with the

  • The Challenges Of Adult Learning For Adult And Online Learning

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    world of knowledge and technology changes at rapid pace, adults have a choice to keep up with the changes by improving their knowledge and skills or to remain stagnate in their learning and become obsolete (Billington, 2007). Adult higher education students over the age of twenty-five account for 44 percent of the student body population (Altbach, Berdahl, & Gumport, 2005, p. 320). In other words, adult education has become a booming business. Adult students account for nearly half of today’s student

  • Adult Learning and Work

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction and Discussion of the Problem Adults in the workplace have educational needs and challenges. Today’s workplace requires not only technical ability, but also the ability to think critically to make decisions and solve problems. Some team members come to the job with a natural ability to thrive in this environment while others seem to struggle. (Jozwiak, 2004) The literature suggests that these skills can be taught or enhanced particularly if learner can see the value these skills

  • Adult Learning Experience

    1034 Words  | 3 Pages

    assist new ODPs and nurses graduates in order to help them building their capabilities to work independently and safely, the aim of the internal ship period is to produce competent theatre practitioners in term of skills, knowledge, confidence and learning responsibility Quinn et al. (2007). Therefore a lot of effort must be utilised to help them in the transition period form students to qualified staff (Simelane et al.1997). Each internal ship will be assigned with a mentor but also has to work with

  • Situated Learning in Adult Education

    2265 Words  | 5 Pages

    Situated Learning in Adult Education In the situated learning approach, knowledge and skills are learned in the contexts that reflect how knowledge is obtained and applied in everyday situations. Situated cognition theory conceives of learning as a sociocultural phenomenon rather than the action of an individual acquiring general information from a decontextualized body of knowledge (Kirshner and Whitson 1997).This Digest presents an overview of the concepts related to applying situated cognition

  • Adult Learning in Cohort Groups

    2076 Words  | 5 Pages

    Adult Learning in Cohort Groups [According to a cohort participant,] cohorts are created not born. They are successful when everyone works collaboratively and collectively on improving their own and others' learning experiences. It takes self-responsibility, patience, courage, humor, commitment, sensitivity, and a lot of hard work to create such an enriching learning experience for everybody. (Nesbit 2001, p. 3) Learning in groups has historical roots in adult education and many adult educators

  • Adult Learning Assessment

    621 Words  | 2 Pages

    knowledge of adult education is limited. Further investigation is required to fully understand how adults acquire knowledge and learn most effectively. Based on my knowledge as program planner and educator I have developed some beliefs on adult learning. These beliefs are based on my observations in the classroom and through introspection as an adult learner as to how adults learn. I believe that adult learning behaviors are characteristically different from children. By understanding how adults learn we

  • Inclusive Adult Learning Environments

    1821 Words  | 4 Pages

    Inclusive Adult Learning Environments I've just changed completely from when I first (entered school). I used to take this little African body and force it into this European square peg. And you know, it didn't work. I kept trying to do it and trying to change who I was and tried to fit in. . . . When I finally decided to be the person that I am, I started feeling more comfortable. (Taylor 1995, p. 84). Ever since Malcolm Knowles (1970) introduced the concept of learning climate, adult educators

  • Malcolm Knowles's Theory Of Adult And Adult Learning

    1427 Words  | 3 Pages

    concept that he described as the “the art and science of helping adults learn” (Knowles, 1980), he helped the theory of learning to focus on the learners experience, whilst failing to analyse the nature of that experience (Jarvis, 2010). Knowles theories differentiated between adult and child learning and explored the idea that andragogy was different to pedagogy in five main ways. The adult learner needs to be more responsible for the learning and that it should be self-directed. They also have a wealth