Tina's Story

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Mood Disorders are the result of severe or manic depression that occurs past a normal state of depression. When one has a normal depressed mood, he or she responds to the quandary of news or event in his or her own life however, are usually able to return to their normal state within a short time. Those who are diagnosed with a Mood Disorder are not able to return to their normal state. The DSM-IV segregates and identifies the distinctiveness of the mood disorders into axes that are then utilized in classifying the disorders to ensure the proper treatment associated for the sufferer. This technique assisted psychiatrists in efficiently rendering a fair diagnosis in moderate to severe disorders. There are more than ten million people diagnosed and affected with mood disorders in the United States per year. With such a large number of people who suffer from a Mood Disorder, it is unfortunate that further research for preventions and treatments are not done. (Zimmerman, 2002).

Tina’s story is a case of a woman who is showing signs of depression. To determine if Tina is having a major depressive episode (MDE) or if she suffers from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) one needs to look more carefully at all of her symptoms. According to the DSM IV to receive a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder one most have five or more of the following symptoms present during the same two week period for more than two months: depressed mood nearly every day and most of the day (in children and adolescents this can be seen as an irritable mood), loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed, significant weight changes, insomnia or hypersomnia almost every day, psychomotor agitation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness an...

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... a pilot study. Health. 2(6). Pp 620-625.

M, Zimmerman, References

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