Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat

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World History

In Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat he presents his idea of the globalization of the world in all areas; from economic to communication with other countries. Friedman is a journalist from the New York Times and most of his work focuses on economic and technological innovations and advancements, and furthermore how they are associated to history. The ideas he presents in this book are both plausible and convincing. The main focus is whether the world is “flat“. The answer to this question depends on the readers’ political, economical, and technological opinions. Friedman does however present evidence in many situations where the globalization of the world is clearly evident. This essay will explore these different scenarios, as well as present an opinion on globalization in the world’s economic and technological fields.

Friedman first discovers the flattening of the world while interviewing well respected Nandian Nelekani, Indian CEO of Infosys Technologies Limited. This intellectual businessman had been the first to expose Friedman to this new era of globalization. Stating to Friedman that “ the playing field is being leveled” ( Friedman 7). It didn’t take long for him to realize that Nelekani didn’t actually mean the world was flat in the physical sense ,but it was being leveled so that countries around the world could compete and challenge each other in various fields. This new globalization was something to be embraced by countries all over the world in order to succeed and grow stronger economically, both collectively and as a single country.

According to Friedman presently our stage is globalization 3.0 which is “…shrinking the world from size small to a size tiny and flattening the playing fiel...

... middle of paper ... as well as the set backs that have occurred in the world . It also associates historical events with the different stages of globalization. For example, the maiden voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492 is categorized into the era of Globalization 1.0. Overall the book is a history of the major events in history that has had influences in the world.

Overall the first part of Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat is both plausible and persuasive. I feel that I have adapted many of his opinions on globalization. Also, there are new things that I have discovered in more detail such as the outsourcing. I have briefly read about it but never have I acquired as much information as Friedman presented. Later on in the book I think that Friedman’s topic of the developing countries and globalization should be interesting as well as informative.

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