Summary Of This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. The Climate By Naomi Klein

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Over the past few years, climate change has drastically increased to alarming statistics and per Naomi Klein, there is no indication that it is going to stop while the global society stays on this track. In her book ‘This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate’, Klein writes about several factors that pertain to climate change. She writes about why people still seem to deny the cause and even the presence of climate change, what sort of technical fixes can be made to the environment, and that we either need to make a great change to our current ideology and economic beliefs, or even greater change will come to our environment in a negative presence.
In correspondence to the information in our class, in this book Naomi Klein infers …show more content…

Furthermore, Naomi Klein mentions this opinion in her book with people like Larry Bell who wrote ‘Climate of Corruption’, saying that climate change “’has little to do with the state of the environment and much to do with shackling capitalism’” (Klein, This Changes Everything). The author is presenting this in her book to show what many people believe when the topic of climate change is discussed. Many economists believe the argument for climate change is a hoax to end our capitalistic economy as we know and deny its’ continuation. Another saying she mentions by a local county commissioner to verify this mindset is that climate change is “’a Trojan Horse designed to abolish capitalism’” (Klein, This Changes Everything). Klein then proceeds to state multiple factors as to why climate change should be recognized. Such as the presence of the Unite Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) being a collaboration of many scientists, organizations, and governments who propose facts that climate change is indeed upon the human society. Naomi Klein even rhetorically downplayed the people who deny climate change, saying they have out smarted almost all the world’s climate scientists without being actual scientists. There are many people who do not believe in climate change for several …show more content…

Simply put, per Naomi Klein, “What the climate needs to avoid collapse is a contradiction in humanities use of resources; what our economic model demands to collapse is unfettered expansion” (Klein, This Changes Everything). She is stating that to use the earth’s resources on the scale that society is currently using them, then it is naturally impossible to preserve and prevent the collapse of our environment. Klein even infers that many people choose not to see the harm that is being brought to the environment so people and large corporations can take advantage of capitalism. Moreover, she mentions writer Upton Sinclair saying that “’it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it’” (Klein, This Changes Everything). This entails that business men who work for large corporations purposefully choose to turn a blind eye to the damage that their business does to the environment. They do this because of the benefits they receive from what the business produces with resources that is hurtful to the environment. It is foolish to choose an option that puts our homes and race in further danger. In class, we discussed the Kyoto Protocol which a little less than two hundred countries are a part of. The goal of this international treaty is to fight global

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