The Reaction Model: The Interactional Model Of Communication

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When it comes to public speaking, there are varieties of models that can be applied. One of these models is the transaction model. This model improves on the deficiencies of the interactional model. The basic premise of the interaction model is that individuals can be able to send and receive messages at the same time (Velentzas and Broni, 2014). As opposed to the interaction model where individuals alternate roles of either being the sender or the receiver of the message and the meaning of the message, being sent from sender to receiver in the transactional model the meaning is co-created by both people taking part in the interaction. In the transaction model individuals are simultaneously engaging in the process of exchange if information.
These are the rules within which people are allowed to communicate. Some of these rules are the way people should greet each other, how they should apologize etc. In the social context, we get to learn that it is not just social reality that shapes communication but also the communication itself can shape social reality. We also get to understand that not only does communication help people exchange messages but also helps create relationships among the communicating parties. Culture also shapes the transactional model of communication. Through culture, people tend to identify themselves in terms of class, race, religion etc. People who are in the same cultural set up can communicate better than those from different cultural settings can. Cultural patterns are shaped by communication and therefore influence the communication pattern of individuals (Velentzas and Broni,
This is based on history that exists between the two communicating parties. The way a person talks to a stranger is different from the way a person will talk to a stranger. When communicating with strangers manners take a center stage in the communication process. The type communication is greatly affected by the type of relationship that exists between the communicating parties. Communication between a boss and his employee is different from the kind of communication that takes place between the employee and his fellow employees. There has been an argument that thee transactional model gives an opportunity for there to be a lot of noise sin the communication process. This is because of the communication process since it allows many people to talk at the same time hence the goals of the communication process may not fulfilled. In addition, since there is no need for a verbal response, the sender may not be satisfied that the receiver got the message (Velentzas and Broni,

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