Theories of Motivation

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As a student at the University of Aberdeen I naturally have very strong intentions to maximise the benefits, opportunities and overall experience of studying here. Theories of motivation significantly help clarify my reasons and intentions of engaging in various activities both internal and external to the university. My enthusiasm is mainly orientated around conscious yet simple desires and goals. According to McClelland (1987) motivation refers to conscious intents and observed behaviours. But do these desires and goals cause motivation for the activities I partake in? My answer to that question is yes. In this essay I will be discussing and reflecting on how three different theories of motivation in particular help to explain my intentions of getting the most out of my experience as a student studying in the University of Aberdeen.
Expectancy theory
Beginning with Expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964). In order to understand how expectancy theory helps to explain my intentions to maximise my experience, I must first break down the key elements of this theory. I will start by exposing the raw link it has to my personal motivations. As this is one of the dominant theories of motivation (Smith, 2011) I also feel it is the most relevant to me. My first example is in relation to studying. In terms of my degree, my specific motivation is money. The numerous assignments I have been given as part of my degree all present a challenge. As a result of this I must make a decision. This decision is whether or not I feel it is worthy enough or necessary to maximise the effort I put into these assignments. For instance, essays. My intention to put in a lot of effort or a little is strongly influenced by how well I think I will do in the essay.


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...has to offer a student. This has come in many forms, from my description of how motivation influences my decisions to engage in co-curriculum activities to committing myself to my studies. These theories help explain my aims to do these things by breaking my inherent characteristics of being human.

Works Cited

[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 9 November 2013].
[ONLINE] Available at:,%20Fred%20C.%20Goal-Setting%20Theoryof%20Motivation%20IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf. [Accessed 9 November 2013].
[ONLINE] Available at:,%20Fred%20C%20Expectancy%20Theory%20%20Altering%20Expectations%20IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf. [Accessed 7 November 2013].

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