Essay On Sports Tryout

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As young children, ages 12 and up to 17, one should be worrying about going to sports tryouts, having bubble guts worrying if they are going to make the cheerleading team or the basketball team. They should be outside in the summer time taking in the beautiful weather with their friends. Many teenagers are starting to build relationships with the opposite sex as early as 12 or 13. With relationships come other new experiences like sexual intercourses. “Fewer than 2% of adolescents have had sex by the time they reach their 12th birthday. But adolescence is a time of rapid change. Only 16% of teens have had sex by age 15, compared with one-third of those aged 16, nearly half (48%) of those aged 17, 61% of 18-year-olds and 71% of 19-year-olds.[1] …show more content…

Peer pressure is always a tough thing to deal with, teens feel that they are the odd ball out if they don’t involve themselves in sexual intercourses, they believe that everyone is doing it except them. Peer pressure could come from anywhere like a person’s friends or people they know, boyfriend or girlfriend and from movies or television shows. Boys in particular are pressured by their guy friends to try and involve a girl in sexual intercourses with them. “One in three boys ages 15-17 say they feel pressure to have sex, often from male friends. Teen girls feel less pressure--only 23 percent said they felt such coercion. Researchers questioned 1,854 subjects between the ages of 13 and 24 in a national survey” (Allen). To young teen boys, it is very important to them to reach a high social status and will do anything it takes to feel accepted by other guys and girls. Direct pressure from the individual who wants to experience sex with another person, being their boyfriend, girlfriend or friend, would go to high measures of peer pressure using come-ons and smooth-talking the individual. Some even go to higher measures saying, in this relationship to show your love for me we have to have sex. Social status play a major role in peer pressure for both male and females. For males its more about what friends might think of you if you have not engaged yourself in sexual intercourse with a girl at the same time or close to the same time as they do. And for the girls it more about gaining acceptance from their partners, and the love and intimacy. This remote cause could lead to a person to involve themselves in sexual activity even though they had no desire to do so. Another small remote cause leading to teens having sex at a young age could be that the child grew up in an overbearing, over controlling, and over protective home and once a child gets a certain age, becomes

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