Technological Developments Favoring Architecture

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Throughout history, technological developments has played a major role for artists and architects. New developments made is easier for artists to express their ideas in new ways. The camera, squinchs, and pendentives, are some famous examples that have made many contributions to the development of art and architecture before and after the common era in art history.

Before 1800 CE the development of squinchs and pendentives used mainly during the Byzantine Period helped support many famous architectural structures. In 532 CE the Hagia Sophia was created by architects Isidorus and Anthemius as a famous religious structure. Like a church, the Hagia Sophia is a structure that expresses religious values and beliefs. It is very proportionate and unique, looking unlike anything else. People say it looks like it cannot be standing on its own and relies on other architectural details for support. Isidorus and Anthemius wanted to recreate a building similar to the Pantheon in Rome that had a round dome at the top of the structure. The dome in the Pantheon is supported by flat walls; Isidorus and Anthemius wanted to find a a different and more efficient way to support the dome which lead to the development of pendentives and squinchs. A pendentive is triangle shaped and supports the dome with four piers. The triangle is pointed upside down with the tip of the triangle at the bottom and the base at the top. A variation of the pendentive is a squinch. Instead of only being triangular, a squinch comes in other various shapes both used to support the dome. This invention made the inside of the structure mysterious and shadowy because it made the dome look like it was floating. Pendentives and squinchs were big enough so artists could use the...

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...ron payed closer attention to the outer person and lighting. She created scenes that accentuated the face and captured what was really there instead of covering up imperfections. The camera and use of photography changed the art world and made life for artists very different because of this new technological development.

Technological developments like the camera, pendentives, and squinchs helped make positive contributions to that art world that supported artists and architects in their ventures. The camera changed life for artists in that they could now capture scenes faster and less formally. Pendentives and squinchs changed the way people developed structures and made it more convenient for architects to create such grand buildings. Technological developments has played a major role for artists and architects and helped artists express their ideas in new ways.

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