Taking a Look at Thaler's Vignettes

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In Thaler’s vignettes, she uses many of the same stylistic choices that Cisneros also uses including: not using quotation marks, similes, metaphors, italics, having a unique name for each vignette, personification, and also rhymes. In Thalers vignettes, one of the stylistic choices that she portrays is her use of unique titles. Each vignette has a new story and the titles are very interesting, making you want to read more.
In the vignettes, Thaler uses unique titles as a prominent stylistic choice. Thaler uses these particular titles to draw the reader in and make them want to indulge in reading more. One appealing example of how Thaler used this stylistic choice is when she explains “Our New Beginning,” as the title of her 3rd vignette. In this Vignette, Thaler states as her opening sentence, “It feels like everything happend just yesterday.” By just hearing the title, anyone can have a whole different perspective of what the vignette would be about. The title has to be exciting so that the reader will want to find the true meaning of the vignette deeping in the text.
Stylistic cho...

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