Essay On Public Speaking

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The student outcomes for this course are to incorporate and learn different forms of material that will help the student deliver a structured speech. In order to deliver logical and organized speeches. As well as learning to speak with confidence and to understand how to control their own individual body movement when delivering a speech. A student also has to learn how to apply concepts such as language, organization, support, and delivery. In order to effetely deliver an informative, persuasive, entertaining, and commemorate speak. Lastly, a student has to learn how to analyze individual speaks and the understand perspectives from all members of the community. All these outcomes in the syllabus are meant to prepare us to become better public …show more content…

The way we communicate can be very important in representing ourselves in our community. In the beginning, of the semester, we watched a movie regarding a royal member whom was looked down upon because of his verbal pauses. However, throughout the movie he learns to work with his speaking style. He may have not completely eliminated the flaw but, he did learn how to overcome and adjust with it is style of public speaking. Public speaking is very power it as the authority to make an audience shock, upset, surprised, disbelief, and even to become inspired. By using structure in a speech and applying ethos, pathos, and logos can create a deeper connection to the audience. Therefore, the most impactful part of a speech is its introduction. Such that if the speaker implies a power attention getter they are able to deliver their message successfully. In my class presentation, the times I won speaker of the day I noticed that within my speech the only reason why I was selected was because I provided a strong attention getter and because my voice was very loud and it had minimal of verbal pauses. I have learned that any speech can be delivered successfully when the elements of structure and practiced are present. For most of my presentation to prepare I would practice my speech by recording myself with a tape recorder and then replying. This allowed …show more content…

It is important to be organized in this class in order to keep track of all the speeches and to organize a time span where you can practice your speech. On the other hand, I feel it is important to find your speaking style because that way you can adjust your speech with the way you speak. For example, I tend to speak very fast so, I like to create speeches that flow with the speed of my communication. One of the most important things in this class is to attend. Student have to attend this class because there are various opportunities to learn how to improve their skills and to observe other forms of communications by their fellow classmates. Lastly, the main foundation for any good speech is to create many drafts for your speeches. For any future oral communication students to succeed in this course, I would recommend to simple practice. A phrase that is often times very repeated but, it is very important for an oral communication class. If you do not practice your speeches because if you do not practice you will not deliver a proficient speech. Besides practicing your speeches, it is important to create speech draft before creating your

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