Functionalism Vs Weberianism Theory On Health

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Health is a crucial element of human life. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined ‘‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’’, (1998). There are a lot of elements to affect health such as: biological, physical, environmental, and sociological. Predominately, social structure and health professionals’ knowledge have a huge implication on health and illness. The two theories Functionalism and Weberianism have various social impacts to cause illness (Germov, 2014). Similarly these two theories have implications on health care system and health professionals’ perception (Scott, 2005). This essay is an analytic overview of two main sociological theories: Functionalism …show more content…

Functionalism is a Sociological theory, which is also known as Structural Functionalism or Consensus Theory. This theory was developed by Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, and Robert Merton. Functionalism is a social structure to keep our social function running and stable. Every part of society is serving with some intention and it helps society to function efficiently and effectively within a social order (Germov, 2014). Sheaff (2005) compares Factionalism with a human body. In human body all the cells and organs are interconnected with each other, and support each other to function properly. If any cell gets dysfunctional it would affect other’s function too. Social structure is also linked with one another for some purpose. Family, business, media, medicine, police forces, educational institutions, financial institutions, and law are some of the elements of social structures, and they all are …show more content…

As Germov, (2014) describes that our society is functioning perfectly due to the interrelated social structures. Each part of the society has some purpose, social obligation, and responsibility to continue the function and keep it stable. Unwell member of the society will be considered as sick, sociologist Talcott Parsons acknowledged as a dysfunctional social element or condition to the sick (Germov, 2014). Functionalism describes Sick role to affect social structure and function, so if anyone gets sick, they no longer will be able to execute or perform the social function and unable to continue the social responsibility (Jones & Creedy, 2008). Sick people need to get proper treatment and recover from the illness and come back to the normal function of the society. As Sheaff (2005) prospective, this approach is concerned about public health and wellbeing to maintain sociological functions. In contrast to the Functionalism, bureaucracies in Weberianism were found very effective tool to eradicate the fraudulence, mismanagement, and inefficiency (Germov, 2014). McFalls, (2007) suggests Weberianism bureaucracy approach has established layers of management, from the top level managerial role to supervisor, health professional and junior level staff. The chain of command deals with effective and consistent delivery of health services.

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