What Is Stress Management In Police Management

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Stress is not a permanent or incurable disease. It is one that can be reduced and managed in several different ways, both personally and within the workplace. With any problem, the first step to reaching a solution is identifying key signs or symptoms associated with the issue. Police officers tend to display an array of physical or behavioral changes when they are feeling conflicted or stressed out. A main part of being a good supervisor is noticing even the smallest changes in the actions and behaviors of those that work under their command.
Fatigue is a typical sign of an underlying stress related condition. The body’s sympathetic nervous system (SNS) releases an epinephrine (adrenaline) hormone, along with increased heart rate, as an automatic “fight or flight” response to a stressful situation. Long term fatigue and adrenal exhaustion is bound to develop over time as police officers are repeatedly met with stressful situations. To work as a police officer, staying alert and maintaining concentration is necessary; therefore, rest is also necessary to preserve …show more content…

In regard to the supervisor, a key component of accomplishing goals is to simply know the team. A big part of knowing the officers is to understand the rudimentary psychological development of an officer’s motivation level and having the ability to empathize with their issues. Besides work environment and personal issues, this includes the attitudes of the supervisors, as they must set an example of their own expectations. Being aware of an officers’ health, family, financial, and social issues can show when it is time to make some changes, as they are the areas in which efficiency and enthusiasm begin to deteriorate. This is what makes management teams better at motivating the employees, as effective leaders can detect problems sooner and create better solutions for those

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