Socrates: A Life of Virtue and Philosophy

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In “Apology”, Plato insists about Socrates’ life and his qualities. Socrates appeared as talented as a simple man, friendly in communicate, quick-witted and sharp in repartee, love people Athens, and especially respect truthfulness and honestly. As Plato’s essay said, Socrates believed that the care of human soul is the biggest concern of the people, so he spent a lot of time to consider his personal life and the lives of people of Athens.
There are 2 charges against Socrates in the Apology.
First, Plato shows that the philosophy of Socrates started from an event that seems to have the arrangements of destiny – when he was middle-aged, Socrates’ friend, Chaerephone, strongly went to the temple Delphi at Athens to see if there was anyone wiser than Socrates? Immediately prophetic goddess Phithia replied that no one is wiser than Socrates. When Socrates heard this story and felt confused because he knew that he is not the wisest. Socrates thought and asked question himself, “What can the god mean? And what is the interpretation of his riddle?”, “he is a god, and cannot lie”. After some thought, Socrates found the way to try the questions. He said:” If I could only find a man wiser than myself,
First, he believed that escape is a manifestation of fear of death, which according to him, no philosopher to do so. Second, If he escaped from Athens, then his teachings cannot be satisfactory in any other place where he had queried people he met and not responsible for the unsatisfactory them. Third, by accepting to live under a state law, he was completely subjugated himself to be accused by other citizens and it court are said to be guilty – this is entirely consistent with the Socrates was living honest, respect the law and the truthfulness till the last minute of his

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