The Importance Of Sociology In Society

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As society and individuals are continuously changing it makes it difficult to study society as a whole due to the many challenges in terms of the correct method to utilize if wanting to achieve appropriate results. Although, sociology is viewed as a form of science the research methodologies differ. Nevertheless, when studying about society, sociology is seen as effective, however, various scientific methods may be used to gain the most accurate findings.

A sociologists main interest is to observe and explain society, therefore the research procedure must be taken seriously. Meaning, the steps taken must be done appropriately and systematically to obtain accurate results. Therefore, “skipping or skimping any steps will risk the reliability and validity of the research” (Arvanitakis 2016). Sociological research methods usually consist of surveys, field work, experiments and secondary data analysis (Little 2014). Even though it may seem odd to use scientific methods to study …show more content…

Literature reviews allows researchers to gain knowledge on the topic, in addition it is also “nonreactive, meaning it does not include direct contact with subjects and it will not influence the results” (Little 2014). However, there is no way to identify whether the data is accurate itself, also researchers may not acquire literature on their research topic. Due to these reasons secondary data analysis is not viewed as the most reliable or valid form of research for sociology. Within the sociological approach of researching the next step is choosing the research sample this step is extremely important when dealing with society as it narrows it done to an ideal number of people. Research samples are not used within the scientific method which is a negative when studying about society as the research can be too broad and the results will not be as

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