Essay On Effects Of Social Media On Society

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TOPIC OVERVIEW In the last few years, social networks have exploded in popularity. Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter have dominated how societies communicate. People cannot seem to get enough of social media. The sites influence many parts of people 's lives. There are both good and bad sides to this phenomenon. It is a question of whether the positives of social media outweigh the negatives. On one side, social networks provide an easy way to connect with family, friends, and loved ones. The ease of communication is the main draw of sites like Facebook. With the kind of information sharing present on Facebook, problems can arise. For example, identification theft and abductions can be assisted with information found on Facebook. Is the ease of communication present in social networks worth the risk of having a great deal of information available for anyone to see?
Dubner, Stephen J. "Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum." The New
York Times. New York Times, 15 Feb. 2008. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.
In his article “Is MySpace Good for Society,” Dubner, a journalist and author from New York City, interviewed several experts about the effects of social networks on …show more content…

He makes several simple but helpful points regarding information sharing in social media. For example, privacy can be easily maintained on social media because you are the one who decides what to put up on the sites. Several of the tips to overcome a fear of social media are also excellent points to prove why sites like Facebook and Twitter are not as big of a threat. Silver then goes on to explain that social networks are clearly worth using. He explains how social media create networks with people in the business world, a point that is very important for many adults using the Internet. With the right knowledge, Silver says that social media’s scares are nothing to be afraid

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