Child Welfare: A Career As A Social Worker

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There are many different career fields you can go into as a social worker: from mental health, drug and alcohol abuse all the way to child welfare. Child welfare is my primary target when I become a social worker. I feel that I will have the biggest impact if I help the kids out that will be creating our future world. If I can help the kids of the next generation then maybe my influence will help more than just those few kids I see every day. Plus ever since I can remember people told me I need to be doing a job that helps children. I want to be able to make a difference in the community, and if I can help the kids, then I know I’ll be helping the community. Being a student at Wilmington College will help me fulfill these values and skills, but the thing that …show more content…

It is also in many other countries, especially in the impoverished countries. I know as a child welfare specialist that if I want to become a social worker in a foreign country, there would be a need for me. The one country that has the biggest poverty rate which leads to child welfare/social work in Africa. “Nearly two-thirds of the population in Africa lives in extreme poverty, on less than US$1 per day (UNDP, 2005). Extended families and communities that are already chronically poor and food insecure are additionally challenged by the newest risk, the HIV⁄AIDS pandemic” (Gabel, Gatenio, and Kamerman, Pg.11). As you can see poverty is very high in Africa. Africa cannot support the need for social workers. “Most African nations do not have national social protection schemes. They lack the financial resources and management capacities required to meet the social protection needs of all their citizens and poverty. The African Union has no strategy specifically related to social protection, although some its plans of action and declarations call for support and financial assistance to marginalized and vulnerable groups” (Gabel, Gatenio, and Kamerman,

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