Slovakia: Not an Equitable Information Society

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In this essay I am going to present the term information society and I am going to discuss different approaches of the writes such as Machlup, Castells, Perez and the others. I am going to look closely of Slovakia as a country which appears to be an information society but in my conclusion I will summarize what I am convinced about, that Slovakia is not yet equitable information society. I will try to tackle the term information society from different points of view since every scientist or every scholar talks about different aspects of information society. I will briefly try to give a theoretical background followed by empirical evidences of Slovak Republic – in which level of ‘informationalism’ are we as a country.

What is an information society?

The term information society is well spread all over world but if we want to discuss the issue concerning information society, we should first have a clear definition of information society. That may occur as difficult task since information society is a phenomenon about which many scholars argue. It is essential for further investigation to summarize different viewpoints of academics about the term ‘information society’.
In the beginning of 1960s the popular term ,,Information Society“ starts to appear.
Therefore many academics seek to define the same subject : What is the kind of society where are we right now? And why so many people like to call it information society?
For Beniger (1986) the term information society is already becoming cliché. He admits, that in US, Canada, Western Europe and in Japan the majority of people works with information and computer programming and huge amount of money comes from informational services. Nevertheless he wants to ...

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..., Chapter 1 & 2, 1-31.

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