Persuasive Essay On Public Smoking

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The use of tobacco products has been exposed as the reason for numerous medical complications such as cancer to non-smokers and smokers who breathe in tobacco smoke. Taking into account cigarettes adversely affect public health, putting a ban on smoking in public places is an appropriate action for governments, and other establishments presenting services to the public. Cigarettes can cause harm to the wellbeing of non-smokers unbeknownst to them, they involuntarily breath in smoke respired by smokers. Several nations have created laws that prohibit smoking in communal locations because of its impact on second-hand smokers particularly juveniles. Even though many disputes have been presented in opposition or endorsement of public smoking, prohibiting the use of this tobacco product is the most suitable strategy.

Claim and Background

The escalation of the public smoking debate in the international community has sparked the curiosity of different societal groups, and how they perceive this drug. Sizable warning signs prohibit smoking in specified locations such as hospitals, schools, …show more content…

Dissuading against public use of tobacco products by use of injunctions are unlikely to convince individuals to stop smoking (Hudson 27). Tobacco users are aware of the of possible health risks that they are employing against themselves while simultaneously supplying their governments with necessary tax revenue. Lastly, prohibiting smoking in public locales will force smokers to use these products at home in the vicinity of their families and children. Given that residences are private property, there is no action that can be taken to effectively sanction smoking. Subsequently, this causes minors who are unaware of the dangers of tobacco smoke to experience the effects of second-hand

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