Reflection On Critical Learning Experience

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-The whole class proceeded to the gymnasium, as the teacher instructed the students to all sit down in a circle as they played the game “duck duck goose”
-She then got an umbrella looking parachute as the kids gathered around in a circle, we all listened to the teacher’s instructions bringing it down low, then high up
-She added objects such as balls and bean bags that the children had to work together using team work and cooperation skills to get the balls off of the parachute
-By interacting together and coming up with a strategy the children went as low as they could then stood up pushing off of their heels as they successfully got the balls off of the parachute
-After that activity, they played a game called “cat and mouse” where one child would act as the cat on top of the …show more content…

-The reason I chose this experience as one of my critical learning incidents was because I
-I think the teacher did not mediate the issue but rather ignored it by taking the girl into the classroom, thinking that this would solve the issue
-In my opinion, the most effective way is to reinforce discipline or talk it out instead of separating the two girls because now the other girl will not learn from her mistakes, but will rather continue taking out her anger on the other children

Thinking about Theory:
- The girl was possessing characteristics of Erik Erikson’s theory, the Psychosocial Stage – Initiative VS. Guilt, which occurs through the ages of 3-6 years’ old
-This means that when a negative reaction occurs, the child produces

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