Other Methods Essays

  • ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) assay and other methods for the evaluation of antioxidants

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    radical absorbance cacpacity) assay and compare it with other antioxidant assays. Besides that, the paper introduces some preliminary results on antioxidant activity of the plant Apocynum venetum conducted by the author. Fig. 1 on cover page from [9] Table of Contents 1. Introduction     2 2. The ORAC assay – a brief introduction     4 3. Biochemical background of antioxidant activity     6 4. Comparison of ORAC with other antioxidant activity assays     7 5. Results in current

  • Antibiotics

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    theory of spontaneous generation. After him there was Robert Koch, who developed a method of isolating and growing bacteria. Scientists tried developing drugs that could kill microbes, but they proved to be either dangerous or ineffective. In 1928 there was a discovery by Alexander Fleming. He detected that a substance he called "penicillin" destroyed bacteria. Then in the late 1930's, two British scientists invented a method of extracting penicillin from the mold. This was the start of developing new

  • It’s Time to Abolish the ACT and SAT

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    college because a "standard" test is not his or her standard. The current methods of testing for the ACT or SAT should be abolished and replaced with modified and less "standard" questions to better measure a student's learning potential. In addition to different testing techniques, a student's learning potential should be a measure of a culmination of activities and methods; testing should be less important than other methods in determining a student's learning potential, if not the least important

  • The Egyptian Process of Mummification

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    myrrh, cinnamon, and other herbs. The body would be sewn up and immersed in natron for seventy days. After the seventy days the body would be washed and wrapped in linen from head to foot bound by a gum like substance. Upon completion of this procedure the body would now be ready for burial. Egyptians used other methods of embalment. One method attributed to the lower class was to bury the body in the desert sand for a lengthy period of time. The result of this method dried the skin of the

  • Business Communication at Sainsbury's and Cadburys

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    communicating around the business. Telephones are appropriate when you need to talk to someone when it is quicker to ring them rather than going all the way over to the person. Face to face communication ? This is when two of more colleges talk to each other face to face. This could be general slacking or telling them useful information. It is the quickest way of communicating. But if the receiver doesn?t write the message down they will forget the message and it may be important to the functioning

  • E-Commerce

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    automatically pays specified bills each month so you don’t have to mail a check. E-commerce also includes buying and selling any item over the Internet, electronic banking so you can transfer funds between accounts or stocks, smart cards, and all other methods of conducting business over digital networks. “The primary technological goal of e-commerce is to integrate businesses, government agencies, and contractors into a single community with the ability to communicate with one another across any computer

  • The Disabling Effects of Selective Mutism

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    thousand children suffer from this presumed psychiatric ailment wherein the ability to speak is limited to the household or other areas of comfort. (2) Public places and schools elicit so much anxiety within these children that their natural capacity to speak is suppressed. Once a child under five years of age exhibits the behavior described, for over a month, and without having other speech impeding barriers affecting them such as autism or a second language, he or she will most likely be diagnosed with

  • Prohibition

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    stop drinking completely, it did not even come close. It created a large number of bootleggers who were able to supply the public with illegal alcohol. Many of these bootleggers became very rich and influential through selling alcohol and using other methods. They started the practices of organized crime that are still used today. Thus, Prohibition led to the rapid growth of organized crime. The introduction of prohibition in 1919 created numerous opinions and issues in American society. Prohibition

  • Let's Put an End to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation

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    modern medicine would be a shadow of what it is today. Many modern procedures stem directly from testing with animals. In addition, doctors and surgeons receive much of their training with the living tissues of animals. Computer simulations and other methods simply cannot compete with experience on a living being. For example, the United States Army formerly shot goats to train physician responses to gunshot wounds (Cole ... ... middle of paper ... ... Rights and Wrongs.” Taking Sides: Psychological

  • A Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement that Insults America

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    sitcoms, and other types of advertising out there in this day in age. The one ad that fell upon my eyes, and pulled me enough its way to persuade me to write a paper on is a Tommy Hilfiger Advertisement. This advertisement is a true way to show how much advertisement has become demoralizing, and appealing to the eye. “They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love, and sexuality, popularity and normalcy”. (Kilbourne, 178) Advertising has taken many different methods throughout

  • Cosmetic Testing with Animals is Cruel

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    research. New alternatives have been developed to eliminate the necessity to test on animals. This is only a small beginning of what is necessary to end these immoral acts. Animal testing in cosmetics is useless and cruel, and can be accomplished by other methods of research to end the suffering of animals. One of the many painful tests administered on animals in laboratories is the Draize Test.  This experiment, introduced forty-five years ago by FDA toxicologist John H. Draize, "is used to measure

  • Literature and Virtue in Sidney's Apology for Poetry

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    Sidney attempts to reassert the fundamental importance of literature to society in general as well as to other creative and intellectual endeavors. Though Sidney's work does provide a synthesis (and in some cases an aberration) of much Greek and Roman literary theory, his argument aspires to go beyond an esoteric academic debate. Literature can "teach and delight" in a manner which other methods of communication do not possess (138). The moral/ethical impact any literary text has upon a reader is of

  • Naguib Mahfouz’s Zaabalawi

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    tradition, and other methods outside the scope of Islam may be necessary in true spiritual understanding. My project emphasizes this spiritual tension by presenting a wineglass inscribed with Qur’anic verses. By examining the purpose and structure of this wineglass, the truth of Mahfouz’s philosophy emerges. Such glassware is designed specifically for the consumption of alcohol, a direct violation of Islamic law. However, despite its nature, this glass has the capacity to hold many other liquids,

  • Trapping a Mouse

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    mice could be. Consequently, I was also taught the proper way to trap a mouse. It is very important to use the right ingredients when trapping these pesky critters. This is very important to ensure a good clean kill. You should use the two-bait method. By using this time-tested procedure, you will have an approximate success rate of 80% to 100%. The two ingredients used for this type of trapping are peanut butter and Velveeta cheese. Why these two particular items? Have you eaten a peanut butter

  • Nuclear Power

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    computers, televisions, microwaves, and many other appliances have become necessities for Americans. All methods of producing electricity have drawbacks. As the earth becomes warmer, we must look for ways to decrease our use of fossil fuels. There are several ways to produce electricity without releasing air pollution. The most feasible method at this time is nuclear energy. Nuclear energy presents a safe, clean, and inexpensive alternative to other methods of producing electricity. Nuclear waste can

  • Pacifism

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    in self-defence or to protect others – this they see as the only morally correct view of war. A relative pacifist is someone who may use violence in certain situations but who supports disarmament. They are discriminating about WW1 but agree that WW2 had to be fought. Nuclear pacifists believe that conventional weapons are acceptable as a last resort if war is inevitable, as it is, but nuclear weapons should never be used. A nuclear deterrence pacifist, on the other hand, believes that one can only

  • Reaction of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate

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    catalyst is a chemical that speeds up a reaction without changing itself during the reaction. An example of this is an enzyme. In this investigation however I am only going to investigate how concentration affects rate of reaction as the other methods of increasing the rate of reaction are not easily controlled and I do not know of a catalyst that will speed up the reaction. Preliminary Work ---------------- In this preliminary work I am going to investigate the two extreme possible

  • Capital Punishment Must be Abolished

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    Evidence suggests that the death penalty does not deter people from committing crimes. It is a cruel and cold blooded form of punishment and there have been instances where innocent people were sentenced to death. The most common methods of execution are hanging and shooting. Countries like the U.S. use electrocution, gas chambers and lethal injections to dispose of the convicted. Some countries, like the U.S., have tried to minimise the pain of execution by introducing the

  • A Proposal to Ban Smoking in Public Areas

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    designated as "smokng areas". A public place shall be defined by Subsection 142B.1(3) Code of IowaAmes City Council, Current Odrances, http://www.city.ames.ia.us/Whatsnew/smokingban.htm). Several other methods for solving the problem of second-hand smoke have been suggested in the past. One method is to use air purifiers to clean the air. While this can remove some smoke particles from the air, even the most expensive air filtration system cannot remove all of the poisons and toxins put into the

  • Capital Punishment

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    cases entirely unacceptable. In Britain, as James B Christoph[1] points out, the major cause for this trend was the social and economic chaos brought about by the Industrial Revolution. The spread of poverty as well as child labor, prostitution and other social evils went hand in hand with unexpected wealth, which sparked off crime. The amazing existence of both these extremes caused insecurity among the lawmakers in Britain resulting in the creation of strict rules, making any offense from stealing