Gay Marriage: The Pros And Cons Of Same-Sex Marriage

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The emerging of two people and vowing to be together forever is a beautiful thing. One dramatic change that’s happened dealing with marriage is same-sex marriage. Same sex marriage, which is also known as gay marriage. It’s a type of marriage that involves two people of the same sex getting married in a religious setting. We all know that sexuality in the United States has always been an issue for thousands of years, especially to the pubic eye. From what others believe to be true, and religion beliefs. Same sex marriage has been a topic of conversation through the LGBT community for many years. To society there are many pros and cons to same sex marriage. On June 26, 2016 was a day of a historical marriage change in the United States. This date is the date that change millions of peoples lives and caused so much hate and happiness. “The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot deny same-sex marriage, thereby requiring all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex …show more content…

People who didn’t like this law being approved had their reasons. Some of the cons they found were marriage has traditionally been known as a man and a woman getting married. Marriage is for procreation and shouldn’t be given to people of the same sex since they can not produce children together. They believe children need both a mother and a father, and children without a mother won’t have that emotional connection and will cause confusion in children. Also, a child needs a father figure in their life to gain confidence and to be eager to explore their surroundings. Another con they feel would come with the legalization of gay marriage is the possibility of other types of religions like people who don’t believe in God or any nontraditional religions that are in relationship will want to the right to marry. Homosexuality isn’t looked at as natural and correct. It isn’t the word of God and the beliefs of people’s

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