auditor general

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What international standards if any guide the preparation of the report? Provide examples to support your answer?

As previously stated the purpose of the Audit Report is to analyze and audit the financial statements and all the accounts utilized by the government. This report must be presented to the National Assembly in a timely manner after which it will become public information for scrutiny by the general public. All audits are conducted in accordance with the Constitution of Belize (which gives the Auditor General the authority), the Finance and Audit Act of 2005 and by using the guidelines set out by International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The reports can be used to indicate whether the public accounts are in compliance with all the regulations and general accounting principles.
INTOSAI provides an institutionalized framework for supreme audit institutions, with the intention to promote development and improve government auditing worldwide. The general auditing guidelines set by INTOSAI are ISSAI 1000-2999 General Auditing Guidelines on Financial Audit, ISSAI 3000-3999 General Auditing Guidelines on Performance Audit and ISSAI 4000-4999 General Auditing Guidelines on Compliance Audit
The ISSAI (International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions) framework has four levels. The INTOSAI Financial Audit Guidelines is the fourth level of the framework. This level of the framework includes the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).
The main purpose of the guidelines on Performance Audit is to assist auditors in managing and executing performance audits effectively and to create a framework to promote development of performance audit methodology.
The gui...

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