Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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The United States tends to take stances on policies that you may not see in a majority of the countries around the world. It’s a different nation completely compared to the other first world countries which may be why we have these different policies. Gun ownership has been a staple for the United States since its conception. Known as the famous second amendment of the United States constitution the article in question states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Second Amendment). Many people take this as the Holy Grail for securing rights to own guns but taking this alone into account would make the argument completely flop. …show more content…

A society without weapons would be a better society and that’s what many on the liberal side of United States politics argue. I agree with this idea but it’s not something we can easily institute because guns aren’t going anywhere and they’ll always be in the hands of bad people. If we take the documented weaponry out of people’s hands we are only weakening more people who solely want guns as a form of defense. People who abuse guns are always going to find a way to get them. In the long run we have documented proof showing that if we give weapons for people to protect themselves, there will be less successful gunman attacks. The National Rifle Association estimates around 2-2.5 million cases per year of the use of self-defense with guns (Hsiao, Bernstien, and Palumbo) and the lowest number can be estimated at around 67,740 a year (Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA). Regardless of how many uses there are, 67,740 to 2.5 Crimes are prevented per year. This leads me to believe that we can only benefit from having guns and in turn can presume that guns are a moral right to have in self-defense. It doesn’t matter which figure is right, less crime produces a higher amount of good within

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