Review and Critique of Massachusetts Law 40B

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In 1969, Massachusetts fashioned the law 40B, famously referred to as the “Anti-Snob Zoning Act”, which allows developers to bypass land use restrictions in towns where less than ten percent of the housing meets the state definition of affordable. There are multiple positions and solutions to friction in Massachusetts largely inspired by controversy surrounding the State's affordable housing law, Massachusetts General Laws chapter 40B between housing advocates and open space advocates. This thesis reviews and critiques the current law, and diagnoses various legislative proposals for the progressive feud.
One would generally assume advocates of affordable housing and open space preservation are political and ideological allies as affordable, decent housing has been a mainstay of the progressive view since the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson, and open space preservation came to the forefront as a part of the environmental movement of the same period in our nation's history. In Massachusetts however, the two sides are bitterly opposed due to a legislatively enacted stalemate which is entirely avoidable.
In short, the statute allows municipalities to "bait" developers, by ordinance or bylaw, to create affordable housing or preserve open space. The ordinance or bylaw, however, must specify the terms of the deal. To be eligible for a special permit, the developer must supply the specified minimum amount of required open space, or the specified percentage of affordable dwelling units. If the developer meets these terms, and the project is otherwise buildable, then the developer may be rewarded with a special permit authorizing more dwelling units and, perhaps, fewer infrastructure costs. By a great majority, far more municipalities s...

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... space and affordable housing are not inconsistent goals. With minor modification to these state laws, these progressive causes may marry quite simply for positive progression. In the 2002 round of reforms to 40B, the state senate passed a bill that would allow communities, by local option, to require developments of more than ten units to set aside ten percent of the units for affordable housing, but was voted down. A second option involved rewards for municipalities which produce dwelling units pursuant to an “affordable housing plan”, but once again this was voted down by the legislature. The careful development of a plan in every municipality below the ten percent threshold would in theory eliminate those most abhorrent current abuses of the law that have caused the present furor, and may also seal the alliance of affordable housing and open space preservation.

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