Persuasive Essay On Reform The Constitution

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In the U.S., especially among my fellow conservatives, talk about reforming America’s democratic system is quickly silenced. People don’t like change, especially when what they’ve got is working well. Reforming the Constitution is essential to our survival as a country. Without reforms, one finds little responsibility in government; but there have been reforms. Although, these reforms have taken us in the wrong direction. Democracy as we know it, is not the same as the Founders knew it and in the future, we will not even recognize it.
The effectiveness of our democracy lies in our protection of the separation of powers. Over time, power has slowly shifted to the executive branch. In 1933, presidential emergency powers were considered, “There were real calls…for Franklin Roosevelt to seize dictatorial powers in order to deal with the Great Depression.” (1) In this state, total power was offered to one man. Roosevelt declined the offer but still violated Constitutional laws. Clearly, our democratic system was too slow of a process and was ineffective in getting things done. But, in government, when something is done once, it becomes more acceptable. Power was given
All our branches of government are effected directly by votes that have completely different weights. Regarding the Senate, the Seventeenth Amendment states, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people…and each Senator shall have one vote.” (2, p. 649) This means that regardless of population, each state gets the same number of votes, two. Lazare said this of the Senate, “The Senate, of course, was designed to be unrepresentative; it incorporates the principle of equality of states, not equality of citizens.” (3, p. 298) The result of unequal vote weight in the Senate, has a direct impact on one hundred of the votes in the Electoral

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