Reflection Paper On Technical Writing

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Reflective Essay As a writer, I am always learning new ways to improve my work both creatively and technically. Many of my skills have evolved throughout the English Writing 101 class but there is always room to improve. From my confidence in the work, struggles to create a passing paper, and development skills at which I once never needed, this course truly challenged me to to be greater and work harder. When I started the course, I had very little confidence in my technical writing skills. During high school, I took a college writing class courtesy of Stark State University and sadly failed it (it was partly due to lack of proper instruction and professor involvement but I have to take credit as well). After an intense three or so weeks of credit recovery, finding it much more difficult than it seemingly should have been, I took the Summer break to not write anything (not even …show more content…

I 'm always finding myself using things like “s/he states…” or “and then/next/lastly” which are okay but not nearly at the level which I could be. I like to make sure the work flows nicely off the tongue and still makes sense in a way that someone who who has no higher education could understand it. Because of this I don 't like to leave my comfort zone when I came to transitions. It 's something I 'd love to overcome very soon in order to improve as a writer both technically and creatively. Overall, I have developed both in my writing process and mechanical aspects of my writing. I have always tried to use an outline when I write, asking myself what questions I need to answer in the text before filling in the rest with details and secondary information. In the final report, our argumentative paper, I found that an outline helped quite a bit when trying to focus my thoughts. Each paragraph would get a bracket telling me what my sub-topic was and what it meant to the

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