Rapid Application Development and Joint Application Development

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Computer software is used by hundreds of millions of people daily. Software is all around us and can be found in our homes, businesses, schools and automobiles. Operating system software runs our desktops, laptops, and mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads. The development of these and other complex varieties of software often follow a software engineering process commonly referred to as a Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Several methodologies describing the framework that encompasses the subsets of the tasks or activities that occur during this procedure exist, including

Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Joint Application Development (JAD). Understanding the differences and similarities between RAD and JAD methodologies can allow organizations such as sanofi to make more informed decisions as to when and which software development projects they might best be utilized on. Additionally, having a firm grasp of the characteristics and context of the business problems the software is to address, may help in ensuring the most appropriate methodology is utilized for the mission at hand. Understanding why RAD may prove more valuable in a development setting, such as research is vital to software development in the Pharmaceutical Industry; in order to build the right software as quickly as possible while controlling costs and minimizing waste and inefficiencies when undertaking systems and software development projects.

Joint Application Development, sometimes referred to as Joint Application Design was developed for internal use at IBM by researchers Chuck Morris and Tony Crawford (Soltys & Crawford, 1995). It applies facilitated techniques that can be an effective tactic for eliciting and developing the require...

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...are well understood, one can then select the most appropriate approach for development of their software; whether that is JAD with its formal processes and face-to-face group sessions or RAD with its iterative attitude to prototyping.

Also, looking at multiple dimensions, including how quickly the requirements can be elicited and understood by the team and having a clear understanding of the role of the system architecture ensures the most appropriate methodology is utilized for the mission at hand.

While knowing how to apply the appropriate method proves more valuable in a development setting, such as research. This is vital to software development in the Pharmaceutical Industry in order to build the right software as quickly as possible while controlling costs and minimizing waste and inefficiencies when undertaking systems and software development projects.

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