Tamoxifen Undergoes Optimization

2007 Words5 Pages

Tamoxifen Undergoes Optimization


Computer programs like GaussView and Gaussian 03W are some of the advanced tools

that can be used by scientists to design and optimize new designed drug. Using the exact same

tools as scientists today, I am going to take a known drug, Tamoxifen, and create few analogs

similar to its structure. Before I can create some analogs in GaussView, I am going to study and

examine the structure of Tamoxifen to understand the chemistry that involves in this structure.

For example, the bonds between molecules and the interactions between the drug and estrogen

receptor complex site. After I design an analog of Tamoxifen, I will then use the Gaussian 03W

program to optimize the analog. As for the last step in determining if an analog is a good

candidate for a new designed drug, I am going to use a special computer program called

OpenEye Software to help me make that prediction.


Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer known among women in the US. It is

the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths. More than 180,000 women are diagnosed with

breast cancer each year. In 2006, out of all of these women, 40,000 died. Although breast cancer

mainly affects women, data shows that men can also be affected as well; each year more than

1,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer 3. This information shows that cancer can affect

anyone regardless of an individual’s gender, ethnicity, etc. It is important that everyone knows

about breast cancer and helps friends or family members with breast cancer to find way to

diagnose it. In nowadays, scientists are learning more about cancer and are exploring new ways

to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat this deadly disease 1.

... middle of paper ...

...c., 1997.

3. Corey, E. J., Barbara Czako, and Laszlo Kurti. Molecules and medicine. New Jersey: John

Wiley &Sons, Inc., 2007.

4. Jordan, V., ed. Long-Term Tamoxifen Treatment for Breast Cancer. Wisconsin: The

University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.

5. Oxford University Press. "Figure 18.44: Tamoxifen." Online Resource Centre. 29 Jul. 2008.


6. Wikipedia. "Tamoxifen." Wikipedia. 29 Jul. 2008.


7. Wiseman, Helen. Tamoxifen-Molecular Basis of Use in Cancer Treatment and Prevention.

England: John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 1994.

8. Nolte, RT. "Crystal structure of Estrogen Related Reecptor-3 (ERR-gamma) ligand binding

domaind with tamoxifen analog GSK5182." Protein Data Bank. 29 Jul. 2008.


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