Racial And Ethnic Characteristics, Family Structure And Culture

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Family History Paper In this paper, my focus will be on Racial & Ethnic Characteristics, family structure and Culture. Some of the things that I will be talking about throughout my paper will be the different things from my generation and my parent’s generation as well. The reason why having a family is a major thing is because you can always enjoy time with them and share anything that you feel like is important with them. They will always be ready to hear anything their child has to say. It is not really hard to stay with them like someone that would leave their family over a small argument because they can always get over it regardless. Family is one and your only place where your life begins and love never ends. In order to create a family, you have to work for it to make it perfect, in order to be a good example of that whole society. Racial & Ethnic Characteristics My nationality is Black or African American. My parents raised me in Yemen, (where I was born). My parents came in the United States when they had me at the age of eight or nine. My characteristics started to change a bit because it was a lot different from where I was raised for eight years or so. In that case, my head started telling me if my old friends would reach me, but happened not. As I started to get used to the U.S., my memory …show more content…

There were no laundries for them to wash their clothes at that could’ve been easier; instead, they had to wash it with their own hands. They would even walk to the lake and try to rinse it off. Everything was different back then for them to live easier. Another example would be when it comes to cooking; there were no ovens or stoves. In order for them to cook anything, they were limited to, use charcoals to be able preparing their meals. It is like major transitions from where they came from to here and having the technologies and using things as simple it could

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