What Is Critical Thinking

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The purpose of a college education is for people to be able to think critically so that they are able to advance their particular society or culture. According to UWI Augustine.edu, “it is, therefore, essential that learners are prepared for thinking their way through the maze of challenges that life will present independently”(UWI Augustine.edu 2004-2015). It’s often that graduate students find themselves in a situation that is new to them and they will have to be able to navigate through the process intellectually. According to Oxford Dictionaries, critical thinking is defined as “the process of analyzing information in an objective way, in order to make a judgment about it”(Oxford Dictionaries 2015) . Critical thought allows one to think for themselves, and understand that in which they are participating in. The critical thinking process promotes creativity, advancement of ones own life and innovation.
According to Oxford Dictionaries, creativity is defined as “the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work”(Oxford Dictionaries 2015). When one is educated in college, they should be taught to be creative because it is essential …show more content…

Innovation should definitely be taught in our colleges all across the world because it promotes change, and people to engage the world and its problems. According to Dictionary.com, innovation is defined as the introduction of new things or methods”(Dictionary.com 2015). Innovation can be used to discover new strategies, and to solve problems in the public and private sectors that have long existed and could potentially make our society and the world a better place to live in. It could also bring about a solution to world hunger which would save lives and could produce more innovation. Innovation could change the face of humanity for the better and could bring about cures for diseases that have long plagued the

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