Protection of Voting Rights

604 Words2 Pages

There are many ways that we as civilians can help to promote and protect voting rights in the nation. A lot of times, voting rights have been abused by different solutions involving crime, people, and just problems within the nation. Voting rights are known as the cornerstone of America. There are a lot of different groups in the world that are trying their best to promote and protect the voting rights. One of the main social environment groups in the nation that come together to do their best to promote and protect voting rights in America is called NCJW. This group stands for the National Council of Jewish Women. These women come together as a whole to tell and express what they feel about the abusing and discrimination against voting rights. The National Council of Jewish Women is nothing less than the voice of, the place where women from across society come together to make the world at large and their communities, a better place to live in and be safe when it comes to a nation as a whole voting rights. The people who join this group have a saying that they use in order to progre...

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