Proper Grammar Importance

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Proper grammar in a workplace is vital. When speaking or typing our expressions are shown. Without using word efficiently, words tend to become false or misleading. The purpose of school is to educate us on the values needed in our future careers. Grammar was something stressed throughout all grades along with classes. In just about any classroom, proper grammar is expected when writing, presenting and even talking to someone of higher authority. Proper grammar is essential in a workplace to save money, save face and save time. Given the fact that most businesses today are global which include geographically dispersed work teams, written communications have become even more essential to the daily operations of an organization. Whether in the …show more content…

For example, if someone were posting in social media networks telling their readers to follow a link to a page or a website, this person might not get the action they’re calling for if their message was poorly constructed. Poor grammar affects marketing strategies and even obstruct efforts to strengthen the relationship with customers. When expressing oneself clearly by using the right words and prepositions, better responses will come from the audience. Poor grammar is one of the reasons why customers avoid certain companies. Similarly, clients and suppliers are more likely to trust a company that communicates clearly and correctly. The use of proper grammar will help maintain a business’ credibility and reputation as a professional, trustworthy enterprise that views all of their interactions with customers and traders as equally important. When users visit websites and read poorly constructed sentences, the initial impression would come to the site and the company behind the product are not trustworthy. This, in turn, may leave a business open to costly legal action, on the basis that the information provided was false or misleading in some way, this could simply …show more content…

Having a good grasp on proper grammar can help ensure messages are delivered and received promptly. Good grammar helps to lessen confusion when an employee decides to file a complaint, send an instant message to a project team member or voice her opinion in a staff meeting. Delivering a grammatically correct message can also reduce time wasted on translation and follow up, potentially leading to higher productivity. Many businesses rely on written guidelines, for instance, memos or emails among team members. Correct spelling and grammar will help employees understand instructions better, thus avoiding any confusion or misunderstanding about what is expected of them. The result is less time wasted trying to work out poorly worded instructions and more time spent doing the job. This may also help to maintain harmonious working relationships between colleagues, as a result of better and clearer

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