The Problem of Dehydration

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In many ways, any living being is the product of water. The figures are relevant for this assumption: the human body contains 60% water. A newborn has at birth 64% water in his organism while the fetus in the third month of pregnancy has in his tissues, 91% water. As a man ages he starts to dry: around the age of 70, the body contains 46% water. The body is composed of 25% solids and 75% liquid material in which the solvent is water. Furthermore, even the brain tissue is composed of 85% water (Wedro, Conrad Stöppler, 2011). The role of water in ensuring the health of the human body is essential. Without water, humans cannot live. Water metabolism disorders produce signals that indicate a significant de-harmonization of the biological systems. The distribution of water in the body through metabolic processes not only makes a water supply, but also ensures the transport of hormones, chemicals, and nutrients required, in accordance with the parameters set by the brain. Water carries nutrients into the body, blood and lymph and helps them to fulfill their functions, supplies nerve routes, ensure maintenance and reproduction capacity at the cellular level, regulates the temperature of the biological system and has the function to remove through the skin, lungs, kidneys and intestines toxins and inert waste from the body.

Ingested water is transported through the blood throughout the body and is retained in tissues as needed. The body's water reserves are found mainly in the muscles and skin. In addition, other organs contain a significant amount of water that facilitates the functioning of brain, liver, blood plasma, lungs, etc.

Water is the main solvent for the products of digestion, and it is essential for the elimination of wastes...

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...s will reduce considerably the daily water requirement. The rule of the "two liters of fluid per day" needs to be purely indicative (Salomone III, 2011). Special conditions such as hot days, additional efforts, or sporting activities will always require a supplementation of the liquidity needs. The same is true for massive persons, because the fluid requirements are considering the body index.

Works Cited

Armstrong LE, Casa DJ, Maresh CM, and Ganio MS. 2007, Caffeine, Fluid-Electrolyte Balance, Temperature Regulation, and Exercise Performance. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 35

Benjamin Wedro, Melissa Conrad Stöppler, 2011, Dehydration, retrieved from, 10.10.2011

Joseph A Salomone III, 2011, Dehydration in Adults, retrieved from, 10.10.2011

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