Positive And Negatives Of The Criminal Justice System

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Positive and Negatives of the Justice System Some of the more positive features of the criminal justice systems throughout the world are that of the following: In Canada the accused person must be brought before a judge within 24 hours of their arrest, or as soon as possible. In Canada and the United States of America you are considered to be innocent until proven guilty. In Canada and the US you have the right to appeal the verdict of the hearing. In Canada all judges must have at least ten years of experience at any position within the Canadian Bar and the judges in Canada are appointed to their positions (U.S. Relations with Canada, 2015). In Germany judges must explain their decisions fully and explain their reasoning for resolving the disputed issues as they did (Maxeiner, 2012). Some of the negatives of the criminal justice system include that of: French laws do not specify that amount of time, an arrestee can be held before being brought before a court of law (US Relations with France, 2015). In China the lawyer’s only play a small role in trials, this is done intentionally by Chinese judges. Because Chinese judges see lawyers as trivial and the judge also views the lawyers work as insignificant. For example a judge can refuse to allow a defense attorney to present evidence or other …show more content…

Some of the strengths of China’s justice system are that of the following. A pro for the criminal justice system in China is that the system is tilted in favor of the police and prosecutors. Another plus is that fact that there are no juries, all hearing are presided over by a three judges. The biggest pro to this system is that is constantly being updated by the government to make the Chinese justice system better and more up to date with other justice systems around the world (Hays,

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