The Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee Analysis

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Today, China is ranked as the nation with the largest population in the world. It is also a fact that China is amongst one of the countries whose economy is growing at a very rapid rate. It is quite imperative to note that capitalism has been the dominant in this nation, which enables it to not only strengthen, but also capture great regional as well as global influence. Even though China has been rediscovering its ancient tradition elements whilst repackaging them to be in line with modernity, it is evident that the visions embraced are very different from the ones in the West. The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee is a perfect publication that sheds light to the reader on the various social, political and moral issues that existed in China decades ago and the ways of resolving them. Comparing the legal issues in China decades ago, a thin line can be drawn. This is inherently because nothing much has changed in terms social, political and moral perspectives. The celebrated cases of Judge Dee borrow a lot from the Chinese culture, which defines the standard morals and values for its people. Consequently, the legal system in this nation appears to rely wholly on the defined moral standards in reprimanding wrongdoers.
Morality is one of the most fundamental issues raised in the Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee. It is imperative to note that the moral dimension revealed in this book is derived from the exposed Chinese culture. The Chinese culture is a meaty issue that is revealed as Judge Dee continues to discharge his noble duty. This sourcebook equips the reader with a perspective of China’s culture. During the most remarkable Tang Dynasty, Judge Dee was a famous magistrate and statesman to a town titled Chang-ping. Dee’s fame was associ...

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...ogetherness in mourning the death through execution and exposing the offenders to the public. It was also a way of cleansing the murdered people off indignities that might have been left.
The entire crimes committed throughout the book were resolved. The major crimes highlighted in this book are three and they are criminal offenses in nature. However, according to my opinion, the resultant consequences were neither fair nor just. This is characteristically because in drawing the final ruling, Judge Dee relied on Asian influence. This could have been misleading as it depended on ghosts, dreams and superstitions, which are unreliable sources of information in drawing critical judgment. Torturing the guilty as a way of demanding confession raises a moral issue. This is because it can coerce an innocent person to confessing to a crime he/she did not commit.

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