Grant And Dutton's Influence On Good Behavior

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1) The authors Grant and Dutton carried out the study Beneficiary and Benefactor, because it led them to think that there is reason to believe when one reflects on being a beneficiary it is not enough to promote good behavior where individuals are more likely to initiate and maintain prosocial behavior. Also, having an individual think about the benefits given instead of the benefits received. Therefore, the authors wanted to understand how reflecting and expressing in writing in journals can influence good behavior. Behavior that affects interpersonal actions, not just individual experiences. Since previous research, conducted by Alessandri, 2009 showed that the experience of giving to others can improve feelings of self-efficacy. As well as, recent evidence given by Dunn, Aknin & Norton, 2008 suggesting that giving can promote greater happiness rather than receiving. Therefore, the authors wished …show more content…

This led Grant and Dutton to observe three main things. The first being reciprocity; A sense of obligation to help that person who helped us and reflect on what we have received from the person. The second, is a feeling of dependency and shame in reflecting on what we have received from others. Finally, short-term emotional behavior. Researchers wondered if thinking about the times when we gave something to others might be more effective in promoting aid. Therefore, both researchers hope to find and hope that in reflecting on the granting of benefits to other people will produce a greater increase in prosocial behavior.
2) The main hypothesis of Grants and Dutton is the assumption from which to think about giving could lead a person to see himself as a donor known as a benefactor, strengthening his

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