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The Protestant Reformation marked a time of great religious, social and

political upheaval. For the first time in history the Christian church was

permanently shattered. The Reformation originated from a trend in returning to

the biblical days of Christianity and a renewal of morality. Unfortunately the

Catholic religious leaders didn't share in the renewal of morality. The

Renaissance popes were partially responsible for the decline of the

church;however, it was the Church's past history and changing social, political

and economic factors that lead to the Reformation's sucess.

Commercialization of the Holy See was common for most popes, but ,

according to Barbra Tuchman, three of these men took particular advantage of

the practice. Innocent VII is the earliest acknowledged pope during the

Renaissance to have taken liberties with the church's finances. Although he

engaged in the practices of simony and the selling of indulgences, his most

noted mistake was raising donations for a Crusade that never took place. In

1486 Innocent announced a crusade, as well as at the same time declaring a tithe

on all churches, benefices and ecclesiastical persons of all ranks. Military

plans were drawn up but, in the end, no great army ever assembled or departed

from Europe's shores. Instead, in a twist of irony, the Vatican wound up hosting

an infidel in the form of Prince Djem, the sultan's brother. This arrangement

confused the general public and the papal status fell in the eyes of the public.

Papal status was further weakened by Innocent's successor Alexander VI.

Alexander thrived on simony. He acquired the office of pope by buying out his

chief rivals and openly boasted about this feat. Alexander went on to sell a

total of 43 cardinalships, including to his own family. After the murder of his

eldest son, Alexander was inspired in a proposed Bull to try to reform the

church by reducing the incomes of the cardinals as well as mend other wicked

ways; however, provisions caused Alexander to return to normal and he never

issued the Bull. Perhaps if the Church had reformed during Alexander's reign,

Leo X would never have taken office. Leo is most noted for writing to his

brother "God has given us the papacy-let us enjoy it". Leo took this credo to

heart and was considered the most extravagant pope and one of the great spenders


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...tionalism and strong anti-Roman sentiment. This inspired Frederick of

Saxony to welcome Luther into Saxony and inspired other princes, such as Phillip

of Hesse, to tolerate Protestant reformers. Luther urged princes to seize the

Church's property and bring about moral reform in the church. The Church owned

large tracts of land in Germany and German princes realized the opportunity to

gain wealth by breaking from the church. A steady stream of duchies, margravites,

free cities and bishoprics became followers of Luther. The Protestant princes

allied with one another to form the Schmalkaldic League in order to fight the

efforts of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, to return the princes to

Catholicism. The French king, Francis I, supported the Schmalkaldic League in

their resistance against Charles. Although Charles won every battle he couldn't

get rid of Protestantism in Germany.

The Church's past history and Europe's changing political, social and

economic climate contributed more to the Reformation's success than the

Renaissance popes did. Had Luther lived in a different time and a different

area his Reformation would have been cut down like its predecessors.

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