Pollution And Environmental Pollution

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Everyday people are affected by something called pollution. Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. Most of the time pollution is simply caused by the lack of recycling. Some people tend to dispose their trash in the ocean and land. Electronics are also being thrown away with perishable items. There are plenty of reasons why the environment is polluted. People that are unconcerned or uneducated about these issues tend to be the ones responsible for the pollution. Everyday landfills are filled up with non-perishable items that are damaging the soil. Not only are societies throwing away the wrong items, they are burning or burying the trash as well. Recycling is a necessity because it preserves resources, …show more content…

If one looks around the globe in certain countries you can see the pollution in the air. For example, California is known for its smog. Some days in China the pollution is so bad it becomes hard to see with all the fog from air pollution. London is also known for its fog and smog. America is not that bad yet, but it will soon follow California if people do not start recycling. This world will take a turn for the worse if recycling does not take place. Recycling will only help the earth. Recycling does no damage. People neglecting the act of recycling is detrimentally effecting the earths environment. People’s negligence to recycle creates greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causing catastrophic melt down of our ice glaciers. Global warming is caused by pollution that individuals and big companies are causing. When these huge companies operate without a green conscious they fail to make green products to save our environment. People’s interference in the recycling process creates too much carbon dioxide in the air. The old saying is true a person never misses what he or she does not have until it is gone. The big picture is that this message needs to be publicized in order for this information to be recognized. It is time to stand up and care for this land. The human population and the Earth are like a family. When something is wrong with the earth it affects the bond and relationship of the family. For example people rely on food, air, and water for life. The earth provides all of these things so if the earth is affected, humans are affected. Pollution affects the earth, therefore it affects the human population, and not in a good way. Environmental circumstances affect the spread of diseases. They account for one-fifth of the annual deaths around the world (De Souza, et al., para. 144). Mental retardation, respiratory disorder, cardiovascular problems, and cancer are all linked to pollution (De Souza, et al.,

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