Argumentative Essay On Planned Parenthood

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Walking past fundraisers and activists is just another regular occurrence on the streets when living in Chicago. The slogans range from “Help Feed Starving Children in India” to “SeaWorld Kills!” A few weeks ago as I was walking down State Street and witnessed an activist getting heckled by a middle-aged woman. Hoarse screaming bounced off the buildings as she yelled, “You’re killing babies you know that right?! You’re killing innocent babies!!” Those words alone were enough to catch the attention of half the street.
Planned Parenthood has faced harassment and threats throughout their establishment. Whether it be false, heavily edited videos accusing the organization of allegedly selling fetal tissue or the heckling that volunteers receive on the street. Recently, this …show more content…

Since Sanger started her birth control clinic, Planned Parenthood has been changing the lives of women and their access to health care. On the contrary to what many think, these clinics sole purpose are not to perform abortions. The organization provides proper education on sex and birth control, free pregnancy tests, STD testing, contraceptives, and health services to both men and women all while advancing access to family planning. Most importantly, they provide one on one care with excellent doctors, as well as discussing all viable options for patients. In the facilities only 3% of the services are consisting of abortion, while STI/STD testing and treatment are 41%, and contraception is 34% (“Services” 1). This non-profit organization’s proposal is to not only help prevent unplanned pregnancies, but also strives to deliver health care services that in most cases would be otherwise impossible for women to obtain. Planned Parenthood’s is not here to simply abort fetuses, but rather to enhance the care women’s health services seem to

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