Physical Effects Of Verbal Abuse

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Verbal abuse is an act in which a person uses verbal or written language to threaten, insult, or humiliate another person in order to feel more power and control. Although verbal abuse does not leave a permanent scar, does not mean that it does not hurt the victim. Anyone that is in a verbally abusive relationship is affected physically, emotionally, psychologically, and socially. All factors can be life threatening and should be taken care of at an early stage because the situation will escalate and become a hostile environment for both parties. Many people speculate that verbal abuse is not as brutal as physical abuse, but on the contrary verbal abuse can cause major psychological damage to a person’s well being. Verbal abuse is not physically …show more content…

Although verbal abuse is not noticeable, there are physical effects to being verbally abused. For example, many pregnant women that are being verbally abused can enter preterm labor, which will affect the woman’s body, including the fetus. If a woman is at the early stages of pregnancy, the woman can undergo a lot of stress that can result in a miscarriage. Non-pregnant women and men can also develop substance addiction due to the constant verbal abuse. However, physical abuse is noticeable and has different outcomes. People in a physically abusive relationship may experience broken bones, bruises, external or internal bleeding, head injuries, or lacerations. Broken bones and bruises can heal within time, but the physical effects of verbal abuse can take a while before a person fully recovers. When someone is being impacted physically by either verbal or physical abuse, it can lead into emotional …show more content…

Verbal abuse can lead into mental breakdowns to occur frequently which means the victim will begin to do unthinkable things, whether harming others, harming themselves, or act out of the normal. Mental breakdowns will then develop into suicidal thoughts. Even if the victim does not act out on a suicide attempt, it is still considered a psychological disorder. Panic disorder is another effect for verbal abuse, which causes the victim to have frequent panic attacks. A panic attack is triggered through the presence of the abuser or the thought of an argument taking into effect. In comparison to physical abuse, the victim tends to look for excuses for the abuser. The victim then takes on the blame for the reason behind the abuse. It is unhealthy for the victim to think that it is their fault for getting hit, slapped, choked, or pushed. Due to all the physical damage the victims have endured, they develop sleep insomnia. Sleep insomnia is the difficulty to fall asleep or stay asleep. It is common for physical abuse to occur at night, right before bed, so those that develop sleep insomnia, are thinking at any given moment they can be assaulted. Another psychological effect that physically abused individuals have to endure is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD can include flashbacks, anxiety, or nightmares. The victim then does everything in their power to avoid any confrontation, situation, or conversation with the

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