My Self Concept Essay

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For these questions to be answered, we have to understand what self-concept is. Self-concept is a person’s description of who the person thinks he or she is. Basically, it is filtered through our own perceptions of ourselves. 1. Attitudes that I have that create or shape my self-concept: 1) I like to read – I feel this shapes my identity because it has allowed me to learn new words and think interpret things differently. I also create a label of being a intelligent person due to reading any book I can get and exploring more things. 2) I like to sing – I feel this shapes my identity because it allows me to be myself or sociable when I want to be. Actually, when I 'm with friends, I sometimes do become more comfortable. I also create a label of being a “more being myself” person with friends and show my artistic side. 3) I don 't like to speak in front of people – I feel this shapes my identity because it makes me so shy. Being shy …show more content…

People that I communicate with that make me feel good about myself: 1) My English teacher, Mr. Smither – My awesome teacher told me that one day I will be confident to talk to everyone that I encounter. He made feel good about myself when I would started discussing more in class. He said, “J.D., you used to hate discussion. Ever since I had you last year, I believed in you to overcome your shyness. Not only did you improved but you are not scared to be social with people anymore. You are going to be great in college.” I never will forget that moment that happened in the beginning of this year. 2) My mom – My mom always tells me that I will do great things and change the world because of how nice I am. I do believe her words. She made me feel good about myself when she saw that I gave money to a charity with my allowance money. I didn 't need to use my allowance money for the charity. However, I did use my allowance money because I deeply care for everyone’s lives. She loved that I did that generous thing and knew she had a good

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