How To Write A Self Reflection Essay

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The results from my StrengthsFinder are accurate in most areas of the descriptions. The questionnaire identified the following: achiever, discipline, empathy, deliberative, and relator. I can see all of these playing a role in the type of person I am at this very moment in my life. I took a strengths quest survey in high school and I still possess two of the same strengths which goes to show I do not change my ways too often.
The results say I am an achiever meaning I like to have something tangible completed by the end of each day no matter the circumstance. I completely agree I do not like to have a to do list as long as the page. I like to feel in control of what is thrown my way. I demonstrate achiever on a daily basis and have ever since …show more content…

I think that has to do with how my mind operates because I always have questions. Typically, if my questions cannot be answered then I do not like it. The definition for discipline is exactly how I try to live my life. I demonstrate it every time I get an assignment and start a new week. I even have the same patterns for getting ready in the mornings. However, it states the person is not neat which does not fit my personality. I have to be neat and organized because if not I feel like my routines are not working. This strength will help me in my future by getting things accomplished on time or even early. It enables me to not get off task. This helps me in my personal life by reducing my stress and making each day of my life especially in school go by …show more content…

I demonstrate this quite often with school work or when I go somewhere. I am always observing others for my own safety. The definition says the person is serious which is me for the most part. I have always been more mature for my age so I do not always find everything hilarious like my peers. This will help with my career by enabling me to assess options and which one is the best for the patient based on the risks. In my personal life this helps keep me grounded and safe.
Relator deals with relationships and says I am pulled towards people I already know. I can see myself doing that ,but I mostly demonstrate this theme with friends I have had for years. I always want to know more about them. This will help me in my career by making my patients feel like more than just patients. I find people are more at ease in hospitals when you have normal conversation. In my personal life it helps me stay on top of the relationships I have with people ensuring they are

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