Personal Narrative Essay: Realizing My Strengths

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Realizing My Strengths During my first weeks of college I was given the task of taking a quiz that helps me determines my strengths that will help succeed in my college career and beyond. The online quiz assesses you talents and strengths with which you can develop by reading the book ,Strengths Quest, which explains your abilities. The quiz takes thirty minutes to ask about various topics that determine your top five strengths or “themes of talent”. When I first read the synapsis on the back of the book I was skeptical about the accuracy of the quiz’s ability to determine what I’m like based on one hundred and thirty questions. Once I finished the test I still questioned the truth behind the results, until I read the book. I believe that Strengths Quest is a helpful tool that will help me through my college career. The test determined that my personal talents were: adaptability, learner, input, relator, and intellection. Each attribute is presented in the order of the strongest to the weakest. I feel as though the strengths are accurate because I see the similarities between them and my personality. My first and strongest strength is adaptability. At first I didn’t agree that I was adaptable; I have had a difficult transition from my life back into school. Once I started reading the passages on this skill I began to see how I am capable of …show more content…

No one can fully rely on themselves for emotional support; friends are a great way to help with stress. I try not to rely too heavily on friends for support; and truthfully I don’t feel as though the relator strength applies to me as much as the others. This strength may be useful to me in ways that I haven’t tried before. I may try to develop more on this skill to see what kind of benefits it may have for me. As of right now I’m unsure of the negative effects the relator strength could have on me, but I’m willing to learn

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