Personal Role Model Essay

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As children, we look to our parents to teach us skills that we need in everyday life, whether it be social skills or how to. Yet for a variety of reasons, some children do not have this personal role model for them to follow and learn from. For these children, their teachers may be the first adult to give them any sort of attention or care. As a result, a teacher can play a huge impact in a young child’s life. The Allentown School District’s high schools are both considered Title I schools, meaning that over 40% of the school’s students come from families that are legally considered low-income ( In the ASD, this number is nearly doubled at 88.7% ( Most likely, these students come from homes in which the adults they live with are working most of the day and …show more content…

It is at this point that the school and its teachers ought to step in. The students who do not have the parent support and role models as young children are less likely to succeed in life. Children from single parent homes are more likely to use and abuse drugs (Hoffmann “The Community Context of Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use”) as well as twice as likely to commit suicide and/or have a psychiatric disease ( One of the ways that teachers can reach and influence these students is through afterschool programs. 57% of students from single parent homes are enrolled in some form of after school program from grades 1 through 5 (Working Families and Afterschool A Special Report from America After 3 PM: A Household Survey on Afterschool in America 2). Children often learn their social skills from watching their parents interact with others. Later in life, these may influence the jobs that they are offered and received as their potential employer evaluates how they communicate in an interview or in their interactions with others. Raymond

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